Ayn Rand Scholar List

What This AR Scholars List Is and How to Use It
This Ayn Rand Scholar’s list cites the information of all prominent intellectuals who have studied Ayn Rand:
- Independent Intellectuals (1);
- Objectivist Intellectuals (58);
- Non-Objectivist Intellectuals (151);
- Feminist scholars (19).
Accordingly, this list not only references the names, affiliations, and contact information, of 229 AR scholars, but it also lists what books & articles they have written, what subject areas they focus on, their dissertation, or thesis, abstracts, their background biographies, together with where they have taught, what awards they have earned, what they are working on now, what they will work on in the future, and more.
Why this 4-Section AR Scholar List is Color-Coded
The 4 sections of this scholar’s list are color-coded, with Objectivist Intellectuals, in green-and-white, an Independent Philosopher, in blue-and-white, Non-Objectivist Academics in cyan-and-white, and Feminists, in pink-and-white. Each section is headed by a key, so readers see what column represents what information. Each grid section is also separated by a space, to show readers, that some scholars, and classes of scholars, do not belong together. Accordingly, these distinct sections identify what philosophers belong to what ideology, so pupils study the correct person, who is relevant to their research, and do not study the wrong person, irrelevant to their research. So students only analyze intellectually honest, principled scholars, whose study aligns with their area of interest.
Study Ayn Rand First
The best way to understand AR’s philosophy is to read what she wrote about it – to listen to her speak about it – before exploring what other people think about her books and her person. For AR’s analysis of her own books & philosophy, is more accurate, than what other people say about it. Including me. Because she gave birth to it all. For she was the primary being, the root-source, the main-spring, the first-cause, the creative life-giver, of Objectivism. So, what AR writes about her own ideas should receive priority in your minds. Since, AR knows her books and philosophy better than anyone else thinks they do. (Me, as well). So, don’t just listen to what other people say about AR. Go directly to the source yourself. Go straight to Rand herself to learn what she means.
For she spent her last 25 years explaining to us precisely what her books express. So, future generations understand her books more accurately. So, do not just unthinkingly believe what other people say about AR, no matter who they are, what knowledge they have, or what credentials they possess. Instead, learn for yourself, what her ideas mean, by reading her fiction-and-nonfiction.
Study Bernstein Next
If either you are a young person, who is just learning about Rand, or an older person who is new to her philosophy, please read Bernstein’s Ayn Rand for Beginners. It is a short, simple, graphic paperback, that high-schoolers – with a basic education – and adults – new to Rand – can use and understand. Since, Bernstein’s primer discusses the themes and ideas of two of AR’s novels (The Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged) in a straightforward, simple way. It also explains, in level-appropriate terms, what Objectivism is, how AR created it, why AR created it, what the deeper theories of Objectivism are, and how Objectivism applies to today’s real world—both morally, in terms of principle, and practically, in terms of action. By reading this simple book, you’ll learn who Ayn Rand was, what her fiction means, why she created Objectivism, and what today’s Objectivist movement represents.
After reading Ayn Rand for Beginners, please supplement your basic understanding of her works by reading Bernstein’s CliffNotes. They are easy-to-understand, lucid primers that define difficult terms, condense AR’s novels, organize her characters succinctly, and have brief essays that people can easily follow. Since, they analyze AR’s fiction in simple (yet not simplistic) ways appropriate for young people (or adult readers) who know little about her books. So that young learners, and old learners, can both understand what AR’s books mean generally, before focusing on a specific element of her fiction.
Because even though philosophers, intellectuals, scholars, professors, teachers, academics, and graduate students, try hard to convey accurate AR analysis to you, sometimes, we make mistakes. I certainly do. Everybody does. Including, the great Dr. Bernstein. Who, though right about AR’s fiction, 95 percent of the time, does make honest opinion errors, once in a while (we all do). Regardless, he is still the world’s best literary critic of AR’s novels. I know because I have fact-checked his statements, by matching what he says, to the raw data, of AR’s books. Thus, confirming, to myself, that Bernstein’s analysis is highly intelligent, often brilliant, sometimes genius, but not always perfect.
Further, because Bernstein learned from AR, while she was alive, he understands her books, very clearly. Since, AR mentored him to be her helper. So, he really knows what he is talking about.
Also, although Bernstein is not as great a genius as Ayn Rand was, he is definitely a lesser genius, or more accurately, a virtuoso.
Since, Bernstein’s analysis illuminates AR’s books from a value-oriented perspective. By showing us how Rand’s ideas can enhance our own lives. Why, in effect, we should care? Ergo, Bernstein is a prodigy precisely because he tells people, in the context of AR’s books, how to form their goals, how to want things, what to do to get them, and how to make themselves happy. And, since we all want to be happy, an author, who tells us, how to achieve our own joy, here on earth, in real life, in the real world, should be studied.
Thus, what is most valuable to me, about Bernstein’s writing and speaking, is that he showed me how to achieve a joyous life. By living out my life, according to who I am as a person.
Moreover, because Bernstein tells us how to live a better life, many of his essays have appeared in the Objectivist Standard, for which he is a contributing editor. This is also why he was selected “Teacher of the Year” at Marymount College, earned an “Outstanding Teacher” award from Clemson, earned a Philosophy PhD, from C.U.N.Y., lectured at Harvard, Stanford, the University of Chicago, and Yale, and why he has spoken on hundreds of radio shows, and has appeared on several prominent TV news shows, as well, including Neil Cavuto’s. This is why Bernstein also published op-eds for Forbes, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Times, and the Detroit Free Press. Since, he is also an expert in Capitalism and entrepreneurship, which these financial publications asked him about.
I also direct you to Bernstein because he writes about AR’s books—and only about AR’s books—most of the time. Instead of writing academic articles that explore AR’s biography; her publishing history; her book reviews; her family letters; how she writes her novels; how her books became movies; how AR compares to other authors; how she fits in with Aristotle; and the rest of it. Instead, Bernstein writes inductive articles that directly connect to Ayn Rand’s books. Books – and articles – such as:
- Dominique Francon: Ayn Rand’s Profoundly Misunderstood Heroine;
- The Freedom Gradient in Ayn Rand’s Novels;
- Understanding the Rape Scene in the Fountainhead;
- Anthem and the Collectivist Regression into Primitivism;
- The Integration of Plot and Theme in We the Living;
- The Mind as Hero in Atlas Shrugged; and,
- Atlas Shrugged as the Culmination of the Romantic Novel;
And, though, reliable background data, on AR is useful because it informs a contextual understanding of her novel’s and person, the real reason why she sold over 30 million books, achieved world fame, and is so greatly studied, throughout the globe, is not because she worked in an architectural office, or because of what she wrote to her parents. It is because she teaches people how to be happy and successful, in their own lives. Just like she was in hers. By living their lives honestly and capably, as did she. So, people realize their best-selves by studying AR’s books. So, all that background information, though helpful, is not really why most students like AR and care about what she says. They care about what she thinks because she helps youths realize who they are, what goals they should have, and, how, basically to live their lives according to their own basic identities. So, students live a good life, just like AR did hers.
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | The Fountainhead from Notebook to Novel: The Compostion of AR's First Ideal Man | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | N / A | Ph.D Comp. Lit. Stanford. Pub. Art. 19 th 20 th figures Fr. / Rus. / Eng. American Lit. Author Intro Toilers of Sea / Man Who Laughs / Seafarers. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Anthem in Manuscript: Finding the Words | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005 | No | Composition | N / A | Expertise Victorian/Edwardian novelists (George Eliot, E. L. Voynich, Victoria Cross) 19th-century Russian Fiction (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov) Ayn Rand (Life, Texts, Contexts) Classical Narrative Cinema (Hawks, Hitchcock) 19th-century French Fiction (Hugo) |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Anthem in the Context of Related Literary Works: 'We Are Not Like Our Brothers' | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005: Lexington. Lanham MD. | No | Treatment of Dystopia | N / A | Professional Activities Modern Language Association American Association, Teachers of Slavic/East European Languages Educational Testing Service Ayn Rand Institute and Archives Nevil Shute Norway Foundation |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | We the Living and Victor Hugo: Ayn Rand's First Novel and the Novelist She Ranked First. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | Lexington Books. Lanham, MD. | No | Influence on Ayn Rand. 'We the Living.' 'Fountainhead.' | N / A | Education Ph.D. Stanford University B.A. Barnard College (Columbia University) B.H.L. Jewish Theological Seminary" |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Recontextualizing Richard Wright's The Outsider: Hugo, Dostevsky, Max Eastman, and Ayn Rand. | N / A | Richard Wright in a Post-Racial Imaginary. | Bloomsbury 2014 | No | By African American Novelists. Treatment of Outsider Morality. Relationship to Race. Compared to Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 1957. | N / A | Research Interest Studying Ayn Rands Life Till 1957 |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Nabokov's Switzerlands: Discovery, Recovery, and Ayn Rand's Atlantis. | Nabokov Studies (NSt) | N / A | 2014-2015; 13; 141-157 | No | Treatment of American Landscape. Relationship to Switzerland. Compared to Atlantis. In AR's Atlas Shrugged. | N / A | Additional Information Her main research focus has been nineteenth-century fiction—American, British, French, and Russian—with some attention to related twentieth-century writers. she also works with the Hebrew Bible, film, and non-fictional prose. In studying the responses of one writer to another, she has published on such subjects as Leo Tolstoy’s reading of George Eliot, George Eliot’s reading of Victor Hugo, Anton Chekhov’s reading of Herbert Spencer, Harold Pinter’s cinematic adaptation of a novel by John Fowles, and the impact of William James and Fyodor Dostoevsky on Ursula K. Le Guin. Some of my research is a kind of literary detection. She wrote the first scholarly articles about the mysterious “Victoria Cross†(whose dates—1868-1952—and actual name had never before been documented). Her long-term study of the life of Ayn Rand up to 1957 (i.e., from her birth in St. Petersburg, Russia, to the publication of her final novel, Atlas Shrugged) involves the examination of texts, the exploration of the relationships between texts, and archival detective work regarding the facts and principles of her public and private life. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | From Airtight to We the Living: The Drafts of Ayn Rand's First Novel. | N / A | 2004 Lanham, MD Lexington | No | Composition | N / A | |||
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: (540) 231-8462 Mail: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Three Inspirations for the Ideal Man: Cyrus Paltons; Enjolaras; and Cyrano de Bergerac. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Ideal Man. Howard Roark comapred to Cyrano de Bergerac et. al. | N / A | SHOSHAN MILGRAM-KNAPP holds a Ph.D in Comparitive Literature from Stanford University and is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Tech. She has published articles on a variety of nineteenth-and-twentieth-century figures in French, Russian, and English / American literature, including Napoleon Bonaparte, Victor Hugo, George Sand, Anton Checkov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoi, Victoria Cross, Goegre Eliot, John Fowles, W.S. Gilbert, Henry James, Ursula K. LeGuin, Vladimir Nabokov, Herbert Spencer, W.T. Stead, E.L. Voynich---and Ayn Rand. She is also the author of introductions to the editions of Toilers of the Sea and The Man Who Laughs, by Victor Hugo, and The Seafarers, by Nevil Shute. Her current project is a study of Ayn Rand's life up to 1957. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: (540) 231-8462 Mail: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Three Inspirations for the Ideal Man: Cyrus Paltons, Enjolras, and Cyrano de Bergerac | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Ph.D Comp. Lit. Stanford. Pub. Art. 19 th 20 th figures Fr. / Rus. / Eng. American Lit. Author Intro Toilers of Sea / Man Who Laughs / Seafarers. Studying AR's life till 1957. | ||
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Taught Philosophy of Education and Philosophy at California State University, Northridge | N / A | Howard Roark and Frank Lloyd Wright / The Fountainhead Review | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Film Fountainhead in Reviews | N / A | Michael S. Berliner holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston University. He taught philosophy and philosophy of education for 15 years at California State University Northridge, then was the executive director of the Ayn Rand Insistute for its first fifeteen years (1985-2000). His publications include Letters of Ayn Rand (Dutton, 1995) and newspaper editorials on Columbus Day, environmentalism and the Hollywood Ten. He was a research consultant for the documentary Ayn Rand a sense of life. |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Taught Philosophy of Education and Philosophy at California State University, Northridge. | N / A | Reviews of Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. | 2005. Lexington. Lanham MD. | No | Treatment of Anthem in Book Review. | N / A | N / A |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Insistitute for 15 years | N / A | The Music of We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lexington. | No | Treatment of Music | N / A | N / A |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Wrote "Letters of Ayn Rand". Writes for Capitalism magazine | N / A | Reviews of We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lexington. Lanham, MD. | No | Treatment of 'We the Living' in Book Review. | N / A | N / A |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (Publishing Manager ARI) | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | B.A. History UMD. MA International Relations University of Southern California | RICHARD E. RALSTON received a B.A. in History from the University of Maryland after serving seven years in the U.S. Army. He then completed an M.A. in International Relations at the University of Southern California. He has been the Managing Director of the Ayn Rand Institute and Circulation Director and Publishing Director of the Christian Science Monitor. He is the editor of two books Communism: Its Rise and Fall in the 20th Centery and Why Businessmen Need Philosophy. He is presently the Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine. | |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | Lexington. Lanham MD. 2005 | No | N / A | N / A | |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | Lexington. Lanham MD. 2004 | No | Publishing History | N / A | N / A |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting The Fountainhead Film | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Jeff Britting is one of the leading authorities on Ayn Rand’s life and cultural impact. A filmmaker whose work includes Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life, a 1997 Academy Award™ nominee for Best Documentary Feature, he is the author of the 2004 short biography Ayn Rand, the first biographical work based on unrestricted access to the Ayn Rand Papers (held at the Ayn Rand Archives). Mr. Britting is curator of the Ayn Rand Archives at ARI. | In 2013 Mr. Britting’s stage adaptation of Rand’s novel Anthem ran Off-Broadway in New York City at the Baryshnikov Art Center’s Jerome Robbins Theater. His stage, film and written works have been reviewed by The New York Times, The New Yorker, The New York Observer,High Performance, Drama-Logue, Los Angeles Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety, The Washington Post and the London Review of Books. He has been interviewed by the The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Casa Vogue, the San Francisco Examiner and has appeared on BBC, NPR, C-SPAN and numerous other radio programs nationally. | Author illustrated biography AR. Devlp. & Prod. AR: Sense of Life. Co Prod. Stage Prds. AR Ideal and Anthem. Mr. Britting specializes in Ayn Rand’s intellectual development and her cultural/esthetic impact. He has curated manuscript exhibits at the Los Angeles Public Library; Nabokov House in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Chapman University. Mr. Britting received a BA in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1982. |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Anthem and the Individualist Manifesto | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Lanham, MD. | Lexington books. Lanham MD 2005. | No | N / A | The Fountainhead (1943) | |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting Anthem: Projects that Were and Might Have Been | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Lanham, MD. | Lexington books. Lanham MD 2005. | No | N / A | Anthem (1938 rev. 1946) | |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand | N / A | Ayn Rand | Overlook Duckworth. 2004. | No | N / A | Contents: Looking Out; Important Things; Freedom to Write; The Ideal; The Real; The Strike; A Philosophy for Living on Earth; In His Own Image. | |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living. | 2004 Lexington Books. Lanham, MD. | No | N / A | Dramatic Adaptation. Film Adaptation. | |
Tore Boeckmann | Editor of AR's Art of Fiction. Writer in Buffalo, NY | E-Mail: [email protected] Facebook Instant Messager: @toreboeckmann | The Fountainhead as a Romantic Novel / What Might Be and Ought to Be: Aristotle's Poetics and The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Tore Boeckmann: Writer Short Stories. Published Several Languages. Ed. Art of Fiction. Lectured AR's Esthetics America & Europe. Tore Boeckmann’s mystery short stories have been published and anthologized in several languages. He is the editor of Ayn Rand’s The Art of Fiction and has lectured on literary esthetics and current affairs in Europe and America. His recent publications include “The Fountainhead as a Romantic Novel†and “What Might Be and Ought to Be: Aristotle’s Poetics and The Fountainhead†in Essays on Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, as well as “Anthem as a Psychological Fantasy†in Essays on Ayn Rand’s Anthem (both collections edited by Robert Mayhew). | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | Understanding the "Rape" Scene in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Website: www.andrewbernstein.net. | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand for Beginers | N / A | Ayn Rand for Beginers | 2009 | No | N / A | BIO: | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Anthem and Collectivist Regression Into Primitivism | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005. Lexington Books. Lanham MD. | No | N / A | Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He has taught Philosophy at the State University of New York at Purchase, Marist College, Hunter College, the State University of New York at New Paltz, and other New York-area universities. He was selected as “Teacher of the Year†at both SUNY Purchase—and at Marymount College. In 2016-17, he was a Visiting Professor at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG), where he taught Business Ethics. | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292. E-Mail: [email protected] | The Integration of Plot and Theme in We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lexington Books. Lanham MD. | No | N / A | He lectures regularly on college campuses, including at Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Chicago, Yale University, the United States Military Academy at West Point, Columbia University, UCLA, Georgia Tech, Northwestern University, and numerous others. He speaks at many other venues, including—but not limited to—Objectivist conferences, Students For Liberty (SFL) conferences, and events sponsored by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS), the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism (CISC), and the Bastiat Society. Internationally, he has lectured in England, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Canada, Israel, Bermuda, Guatemala, Armenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Moldova, the Bahamas, and additional countries. His areas of expertise include Objectivism, Ayn Rand’s novels, the nature of heroism, the history of capitalism and its moral superiority to other systems, and application of the principle of individual rights to a broad array of topical issues, including health care, abortion, gun ownership, immigration, and the war on drugs. He also lectures at high schools, both in the New York area and nationally, regarding Ayn Rand’s novels and philosophy. | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Cliff Notes Fountainhead | N / A | Hungry Minds. 2000. | N / A | Andrew Bernstein is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto: The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (University Press of America, 2005), Objectivism in One Lesson: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (Hamilton Books, 2008), Capitalism Unbound: The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (University Press of America, 2010), and Capitalist Solutions: A Philosophy of American Moral Dilemmas (Transaction Publishers, 2011). Additionally, he has published numerous essays, many in The Objective Standard, for which he is a contributing editor, and many in other publications, including op-ed essays for Forbes.com. His op-eds have appeared in—among other newspapers— the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Times, and the Detroit Free Press. In 2013-14, he was the Hayek Research Fellow at the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism at Clemson University, where he taught courses in Economics and in Political Science and, principally, researched and wrote the first draft of his forthcoming book, Heroes and Hero Worship: An Examination of the Nature and Importance of Heroism. | |||
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Cliff Notes Anthem | N / A | Hungry Minds. | N / A | His new novel, A Dearth of Eagles, published in May 2017, tells the story of a Bulgarian writer/freedom fighter in 1988-89, who struggles resolutely to help dissidents escape from Communism to freedom—and even more resolutely to publish serious stories about heroes in a modernist literary culture that rejects heroism for anti-heroism. | |||
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Cliff Notes Atlas Shrugged | N / A | Hungry Minds. 2000. | N / A | Dr. Bernstein formerly co-hosted a weekly blogtalk radio program, Objectively Speaking, and has been interviewed on hundreds of radio shows—including by such legends as Barry Farber, Bob Grant, Mark Scott, and others—and appeared on several prominent TV news shows, including Neil Cavuto’s. | |||
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | N / A | Heart of a Pagan | N / A | Andrew Bernstein, holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He teaches philosophy at Pace University, the State University of New York at Purchase, and formerly at Marymount College in Tarrytown, New York---which presented him its "Outstanding Teacher" award in 1995. He has also lectured at Hunter College, Long Island University, the New School for Social Research, and has given addresses at Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, Chicago, Michigan, Wisconsin, Columbia, and the United States Military Academy at West Point. His first novel, Heart of a Pagan, was published in Fall 2001 by The Paper Tiger. Dr. Bernstein's articles have also appeared in Ideas on Liberty, The Intellectual Activist, ART Ideas, The Chicago Tribune, The Houston Chronicle, The Baltimore Sun, and The Atlanta Constitution. He is also the author of CliffsNotes for three Ayn Rand titles: Anthem, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and of the forthcoming Capitalist Manifesto, an examination of the historical success of capitalism and of the philosophical and economic principles that explain it. | ||||
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | N / A | A Dearth of Eagles | N / A | N / A | ||||
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | The Freedom Gradient in Ayn Rand's Novels (Book Article) | N / A | Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature: Perspectives on Business in Novels and Plays | 2016 Lexington Books | No | Treatment of Protagonist; Liberty; Relationship to Economic Value | N / A | Series: Capitalist Thought: Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics |
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | Mail: Seton Hall University. Department of Philodophy South Orange, NJ 07079 Fahy Hall Room 311. T: (973) 761-9000 X5188. E-Mails: [email protected]. [email protected] | Humor in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Author Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic, the Female in Aristotle's Biology, & AR Song of Russia. Translator play Aristophanes (Assembly of Women). Ed. AR's Marginalia, Art Nonfiction, AR Answers. Ph.D Georgetown University. M.A. Georgetown university. B.A. University of Maryland. | ROBERT MAYHEW is a Professor of Philosophy at Seton Hall University. He is the author of Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic, The Female in Aristotle's Biology, and Ayn Rand and Song of Russia. He has translated a play of Aristophanes (Assembly of Women), and edited three volumes of unpublished material on Ayn Rand: Ayn Rand's Marginalia, The Art of Nonfiction, and Ayn Rand Answers. | |
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | N / A | Anthem '38 & 46' | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005 | No | N / A | Textual Revision and Publishing History | |
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | N / A | Kira Argnouva Laughed: Humor and Joy in We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lanham. Lexington Books. | No | N / A | Humor. Relationship to U.S.S.R. | |
John B. Bayer | M.A. Philo U Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ABD PhD U Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Teacher Philo U Illinois. Specilist Epistemology. | Livrs in Burbank California | The Fountainhead and the Spirit of Youth | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | JOHN BAYER holds an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is completinig his Ph.D. dissertation and has taught Philosophy. He specializes in epistemology. | |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. Senior fellow and chief content officer at the Ayn Rand Insistute. | E-Mail: [email protected] | The Basic Motivation of the Creators and the Masses in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Goodness; evil | N / A | ONKAR GHATE holds a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Calagry. He is a Senior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute where he specializes in Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism and teaches Philosophy in the institute's Objectivist Academic Center. Recent publications include "Postmodernism's Kantian Roots," (coauthored with Dr. Edwin Locke) "Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism," and an entry on Ayn Rand in the Encyclopeida of Science, Technology, and Ethics |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Breaking the Metaphysical Chains of Dictatorship: Free Will and Determinism in Anthem. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Free Will; determinism; collectivism | Specilist AR's philosophy of Objectivism. Recent Publications: "Post Modernism's Kantanian Roots, Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism." Wrote encyclopedia entry on AR in Encylo. Of Science, Tch, Ethics. | |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. | E-Mail: [email protected] | The Death Premise in We the Living and Atlas Shrugged | N / A | 2004. Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books. | 2004 | Yes | Treatment of Collectivism. Idealogy. Of Death. | N / A | Specilist AR's philosophy of Objectivism. Recent Publications: "Post Modernism's Kantanian Roots, Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism." Wrote encyclopedia entry on AR in Encylo. Of Science, Tch, Ethics. |
Debi Ghate | Vice President of Academic Programs at the Ayn Rand Institute Senior Director of the Anthem Foundation For Objectivist Scholarship Writer For Capitalism Magazine | Mail: Ayn Rand Institute 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92606 | N / A | 2011 New American Library | No | |||||
Tara Smith | Prf. Philo. UT Austin. | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: 512-471-6777. Office: WAG 231. Campus Mail Code: C3500. The College of Liberal Arts The University of Texas at Austin 116 Inner Campus Dr Stop G6000 Austin, TX 78712 | Unborrowed Vision: Independence and Egoism in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Self-reliance; relationship to egoism. | N / A | PhD. John's Hopkins. Holds Anthem Foundation Fellowship for the Study of Objectivism. Specialist moral, political, and legal philosophy. Author: AR's Normative Ethics, Moral Rights and Political Freedom, A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality. |
Tara Smith | Prf. Philo. UT Austin. | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: 512-471-6777. Office: WAG 231. Campus Mail Code: C3500. The College of Liberal Arts The University of Texas at Austin 116 Inner Campus Dr Stop G6000 Austin, TX 78712 | Forbidding Life to Those Still Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living (Ed. and Preface Robert Mayhew) | 2004. Lexington. Lanham. | No. | Treatment of Social Relations. Collectivism. The Masses. | N / A | TARA SMITH is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin, where she currently holds the Anthem Foundation Fellowship for the Study of Objectivism. She is the author of Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist, Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality, and Moral Rights and Political Freedom. |
Dina Schein | Visiting Assistant Professor at Auburn University. | R.I.P. (1969-2016) Cancer | Roark's Integrity | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | N / A | DIANA SCHEIN holds a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin and is Visting Assistant Professor at Auburn University. She has translated Ayn Rand's Russian Writings on Hollywood and is currently translating Russian correspondence written to Ayn Rand in the 1920's and 1930's. She regularly lectures on topics in ethics and in literature, and on Ayn Rand's years in Russia. |
Amy Peikoff | Assisant Prof. Philo US Air Force Academy . Assoicate professor of law. Research Fellow for the Study of Objectivism. | E-mail: [email protected] T: 213-738-6803 Office: BW345 | A Moral Dynamiting | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | N / A | J.D. U Cali., L.A., Law. PhD. Philo U Southern Cali. Wirtten art. Law & Philo journals and newspapers. Research Interests: Right to privacy theories of judicial interpretation and Christian Ethics. An accomplished scholar on objectivism and privacy law. |
Amy Peikoff | Assisant Prof. Philo US Air Force Academy | E-mail: [email protected] T: 213-738-6803 Office: BW345 | Freedom of Dissassociation in Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. | 2005 | No | N / A | J.D. U Cali., L.A., Law. PhD. Philo U Southern Cali. Wirtten art. Law & Philo journals and newspapers. Research Interests: Right to privacy theories of judicial interpretation and Christian Ethics. | |
Leonard Peikoff (Endorser) | A.R.'s Intellectual and Legal Heir | Website: www.peikoff.com | ENDORSER | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | N / A | Ph.D. Philo. New York University. Worked AR 30 years. Taught Philo. Hunter College, Long island University, New York University. Lectures Rand's philosophy throughout country. Author of Ominious Parralells, Objectivism: Philosophy of AR, and Dim Hypothesis. |
Harry Binswanger | Ayn Rand Institute (Member of Board of Directors). Taught philosophy at Hunter College, The New School for Social Research, and UT Austin | E-Mail: [email protected] | Strannye Sosedi: Ein Rend | Zvezda | N / A | 2001 (4) 195-203 | No | By Russian American Novelists compared to Ayn Rand. | N / A | HARRY BINSWANGER: Harry Binswanger received his doctorate in philosophy from Columbia University in 1973 and has taught philosophy at Hunter College, the New School for Social Research and the University of Texas at Austin. Since 1994 he has taught courses on Ayn Rand’s philosophic system, ethics and epistemology at the Objectivist Academic Center. Dr. Binswanger is the author of How We Know, a book on the theory of knowledge. His previous books are The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts and The Ayn Rand Lexicon. He is coeditor of the second expanded edition of Ayn Rand’s Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.He is a regular speaker at universities on Ayn Rand’s philosophy. A senior contributor at RealClearMarkets, he has also appeared on TV shows hosted by Glenn Beck, Geraldo Rivera and Judge Anthony Napolitano, as well as in two documentary films about Ayn Rand. He also moderates and writes for an email list on Objectivism and its application to today’s issues at www.hbletter.com. He has been a member of the Ayn Rand Institute’s board of directors since the organization’s inception. In Ayn Rand’s last years, Dr. Binswanger became her associate and friend. |
Gregory Salmieri | Rutgers University. Boston University. University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). Pittsburgh University. | E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] | We and I in Zamyatin's We and Rand's Anthem | Germano-Slavica: A Canadian Journal of Germanic and Slavic Comparative Studies (GSlav) | N / A | 1997 (10) 1 | No | American Literature and Russian Literature Ayn Rand Compared to Evegeni Ivanovich Zamaitan | N / A | GREGORY SLAMIERI is an Anthem Foundation Fellow in philosophy and a part-time lecturer in philosophy at Rutgers University, previously having been a visiting scholar and Fellow in Objectivity and Values in the department of philosophy at Boston University, as well as a visiting assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He has published on issues in Aristotle’s epistemology and ethics and on Rand’s philosophy and novels; he is co-editor of the forthcoming A Companion to Ayn Rand. Salmieri received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh in 2008. |
John Lewis | Objectivist Scholar. Political Scientist. Historian. | R.I.P. January 3rd 2012. | Anthem: An Appreciation | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Robert Mayhew (ed). | 2005. Lexington Books. Lanham MD. | No | Ayn Rand. Anthem. | N / A | ||
John Ridpath | York University Retired Professor of Economics and Intellectual History. Canadian Objectivist Intellectual. | N / A | Prometheus's Discovery: Individualism and the Meaning of the Concept 'I' in Anthem. | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Robert Mayhew (ed). | 2005. Lexington Books. Lanham MD. | No | Treatment of Individualism. | N / A | ||
Yaron Brook | Chairman of ARI Former Executive Director of ARI (2000-2017 | [email protected] Twitter: @yaronbrook https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/yaron-brook | Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Can End Big Government | 2013. St. Martin’s Griffin | ||||||
Don Watkins | ARI Fellow (2006-2017) | E-Mail: [email protected] | Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality | 2016. St. Martin’s Press | ||||||
Alex Epstein | President and Founder of Center for Industrial Progress | Website:Â https://industrialprogress.com/ Mail: Center for Industrial Progress302 Washington St.#150-9385San Diego, CA 92103 | The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels | 2014. Portfolio Hardcover | ||||||
Peter Schwartz | Distinguished Fellow Ayn Rand Institute | Website: www.peterschwartz.com ARI Profile: https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/peter-schwartz | In Defense of Selfishness: Why The Code of Self-Sacrifice is Unjust and Destructive | 2015. Palgrave Macmillan | ||||||
Elan Journo | Director and Senior Fellow Ayn Rand Institute | ARI Profile: https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/elan-journo | What Justice Demands:Â America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | 2018. Post Hill Press | ||||||
Lisa Van Damme | Founder of VanDamme Academy (Private Elementary & Junior High School) | VanDamme Academy Profile:Â https://www.vandammeacademy.com/lisa-vandamme | Teaching Values in the Classroom (Article for the Objectivist Standard) | 2006. N / A | ||||||
Jason Rheins | Assistant Professor of Philosophy Loyola University Chicago | Academia.edu Resume: https://luc.academia.edu/JasonRheins/CurriculumVitae Academia.edu Profile: https://luc.academia.edu/JasonRheins | The Sublime Art: An Introduction to the Elements of Poetry | 2006. Objectivist Summer Conference (San Diego) | ||||||
Steve Simpson | Director of Legal Studies at ARI (2013-2018) | ARI Profile: https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/steve-simpson | Study Methods & Motivations: A Practical Guide to Effective Study | 1998. Second Renaissance | ||||||
Edwin A. Locke | Psychologist and Pioneer of Goal Setting Theory Retired Dean’s Professor of Motivation & Leadership University of Maryland | ARI Campus Profile: https://campus.aynrand.org/people/edwin-locke | Study Methods & Motivations: A Practical Guide to Effective Study | 1998. Second Renaissance | ||||||
Ryan Krause | Ryan Krause, assistant professor of Strategy at the Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University | TCU Profile:Â http://neeley.tcu.edu/AboutNeeley/Faculty_and_Staff/Krause,_Ryan.aspx | In Defense of Monopolies: How Antitrust Criminalizes Business Strategy | 2015. Objectivist Summer Conference (Charlotte, NC) | ||||||
Thomas Bowden | Former Analyst & Outreach Liaison at the Ayn Rand Institute | The Enemies of Christopher Columbus | 2007. The Paper Tiger | |||||||
Eric Daniels | Clemson University’s Institute for the Study of Capitalism Writes for Capitalism Magazine | Capitalism Magazine Blog RSS Livestream: https://www.capitalismmagazine.com/author/EricDaniels/ | Freedom of Speech in American History (MP3 Download) | 2008. Objectivist Summer Conference (Newport Beach CA) | ||||||
John Allison | Former CEO of CATO Institute Former CEO of BB & T Bank Executive-in-Residence Wake Forest School of Business | Wikipedia Profile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_A._Allison_IV Wake Forest University Profile:Â Â http://capitalism.wfu.edu/authors/john-a-allison-iv/ | The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure | 2012. McGraw-Hill Education | ||||||
Amanda Maxham | Science Writer (High Energy Astrophysics) | The Heartland Institute Profile: https://www.heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/amanda-maxham | The Incredible Edible Genetically Modified Organism | 2014. Objectivist Summer Conference (Las Vegas) | ||||||
Gary Hull | Senior Writer for ARI (1997-2002) Professor at Duke University Director of the Program on Values and Ethics in the Marketplace | N / A | The Abolition of Anti-Trust (Editor) | 2005. Transaction Publishers | ||||||
Adam Mossoff | Law Professor at George Mason Founder and Executive Director of the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property | George Mason University Profile: https://www.law.gmu.edu/faculty/directory/fulltime/mossoff_adam | Intellectual Property and Property Rights | 2013. Edward Elgar Publishing | ||||||
Rituparna Basu | Analyst at the Ayn Rand Institute Penn. State Bachelors of Science Former President Penn State Objectivists | N / A | Understanding the Arguments for Universal Health Care | 2015. Objectivist Summer Conference (Charlotte, NC) | ||||||
Carl Svanberg | Research Associate Ayn Rand Institute (2013-2018) Objectivist Academic Center Graduate | Twitter:Â @CarlSvandeburg | What About Sweden | 2013. Objectivist Summer Conference (Chicago) | ||||||
John L. Dennis | Professor Department of Psychology University of Alberta PhD University of Texas at Austin | Academia.edu Profile: https://unipg.academia.edu/JohnDennis Academia.edu Resume: https://unipg.academia.edu/JohnDennis/CurriculumVitae | Changing Habits: Why It’s Hard, How to Do It | 2012. Objectivist Summer Conference (San Diego) | ||||||
Ray Girn | Founder of Higher Ground Education (Promotes Montessori Education) LePort Schools K-8 Lab School (Lead a Team of Educators in Architecting LePort’s Upper School and Curriculum Program) | Higher Ground Education Profile: https://www.tohigherground.com/about/ray-girn | The Self-Made Child: Maria Montessori’s Philosophy of Education | 2014. Objectivist Summer Conference (Las Vegas) | ||||||
John David Lewis | Visiting Associate Professor in Philosophy, Politics, & Economics at Duke University Adjunct Associate Professor of Business at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | R.I.P. (1955-2012) Website: https://www.johndavidlewis.com/ | Early Greek Lawgivers | 2007. Bristol Classical Press | ||||||
Amesh Adalja | Senior Scholar John’s Hopkin’s University Center for Health Security | John’s Hopkin’s Profile: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-staff/profiles/adalja/ | Vaccination: An Essentialized of an Essential Technology | 2016. Objectivist Summer Conference (Seattle) | ||||||
Ben Bayer | Instructor and Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute | ARI Profile:  https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/ben-bayer | A Brief History of the Concept of Free Will | 2013. Objectivist Summer Conference (Chicago) | ||||||
Talbot Manvel | Retired Navy Captain Graduate of Naval Academy, St. John’s College, and the Ayn Rand Institute | E-Mail: [email protected] | Aircraft Carrier: Defending America on the Seas and in the Air (MP3 Download) | N/A | ||||||
C. Bradley Thompson | BB&T Research Professor at Clemson University and the Executive Director of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism | Profile CATO Unbound (Journal): https://www.cato-unbound.org/contributors/c-bradley-thompson | American Slavery / American Freedom (MP3 Download) | 2007. Objectivist Summer Conference (Telluride, CO) | ||||||
Martin Johansen | Computer Scientist and Developer at Inductive AS From Oslo Norway | Linked-In Profile:Â https://no.linkedin.com/in/martinfjohansen | Charles Babbage: Induction in Computer Science (MP3 Download) | 2013. Chicago Illinois | ||||||
Allan Gotthelf | American Philosopher (Scholar of Aristotle and Ayn Rand) | R.I.P. (1942-2013) Wikipedia Profile:Â https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Gotthelf | Aristotle as Scientist: A Proper Verdict (MP3 Download) | N /A | ||||||
Andrew Lewis | Teacher at VanDamme Academy B.A. & M.A. degrees University of Melbourne | VanDamme Academy Profile:  https://www.vandammeacademy.com/andrew-lewis | The Renaissance | 2008. Objectivist Summer Conference 2008 (Newport Beach CA) | ||||||
David Harriman | Objectivist Historian & Scientist Editor of Journals of Ayn Rand | N / A | The Journals of Ayn Rand | 1997. Dutton | ||||||
Barry Wood | Humanities Department Dixie State University | Academia.edu Profile: https://dixie.academia.edu/BarryWood Academia.edu Resume: Â https://dixie.academia.edu/BarryWood/CurriculumVitae | The Battle Over Reason in the Islamic World (and How it Was Lost) (MP3 Download)Â | 2012. Objectivist Summer Conference (San Diego) | ||||||
Pat Corvini | Objectivist Intellectual | N / A | Achilles, the Tortoise, and the Objectivity of Mathematics | 2005. Objectivist Summer Conference (San Diego, CA) | ||||||
Stephen Plafker | Retired Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Founder of The Association for Objective Law Taught Math at Tulane University Writer For Capitalism Magazine | Objectivist Conference Profile:Â https://www.objectivistconferences.info/speakers/stephen-plafker | Structure of the American Constitution (MP3 Download) | 2006. Objectivist Summer Conference (Boston, MA) | ||||||
Wilhelm Windelband | German Philosopher (On The Ayn Rand Institute E-Store) | Wikipedia Profile:Â Â https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Windelband | A History of Philosophy: With Especial Reference to the Formation and Development of its Problems and Conceptions (Hardcover) | ? | ||||||
Jean Moroney | President of Thinking Directions | Thinking Directions Profile:Â https://www.thinkingdirections.com/about.htm | Aligning Your Subconscious Values With Your Conscious Convictions & Fueling Achievement with Objectivist Values | 2015. Objectivist Summer Conference (Charlotte, NC) | ||||||
Gena Gorlin | Bachelor of Science Tufts University | Psychology Today Listing: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/gena-i-gorlin-new-york-ny/413351 | Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness: Insights From Contemporary Psychology (MP 3 Download) | 2016. Ayn Rand Student Conference 2016 (Atlanta) | ||||||
Aaron Smith | Instructor & Fellow Ayn Rand Institute | Ayn Rand Experts Profile: https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/aaron-smith | Benevolence, Goodwill and the Rationally Selfish Life (MP3 Download) | 2015. Objectivist Summer Conference (Charlotte, NC) | ||||||
H.W.B. Joseph | British Philosopher | Wikipedia Profile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._W._B._Joseph | An Introduction to Logic (Hardcover) | 2000. Paper Tiger | ||||||
Keith Lockitch | Vice President of Content & Senior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute | Ayn Rand Institute Profile: https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/keith-lockitch | Charles Darwin: More Than “Just a Theorist†(MP3 Download) | 2007. Objectivist Summer Conference (Telluride, CO) | ||||||
Ellen Kenner | Clinical Psychologist | Website: http://www.drkenner.com/ | Bringing Out the Hero in Yourself (MP3 Download) | 2004. Objectivist Summer Conference (Wintergreen VA) | ||||||
Robert Knapp | Ph.D. Math Princeton University | Link to His Book: https://mathematicsisabouttheworld.com/ | The Measure of All Things (MP3 Download) | 2011. Objectivist Summer Conference (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
Why this List is Spaced and Color-Coded
So, pupils study the correct person, who is relevant to their research, and do not study the wrong person, irrelevant to their research, each section is separated by a space. To show readers, that some scholars, and classes of scholars, do not belong together. Accordingly, these distinct sections identify what philosophers belong to what ideology. So, students only analyze intellectually honest, principled scholars, whose study aligns
with their area of interest.
Name | Affliation | Contact | Title | Journal | Book | Date / Publisher | Disssertation Abstract | Subject Areas | Abstract | Notes |
William Kline | University of Illinois at Springfield. Department Chair of Liberal and Integrative Studies Program. | E-mail: [email protected] T: (217) 206-6962 | Identity, Professional Ethics, and Substantive Style in the Fountainhead | N / A | Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature: Perspectives on Business from Novels and Plays | 2016 Lexington Books. Lanham MD | No | The Fountainhead | N / A | WILLIAM KLINE is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Liberal and Integrative Studies at the University of Illinois, Springfield. He is also the Executive Director of Liberty Studies. |
Vladimir Paperny | U.C.L.A. Slavic Language and Literatures Faculty (Adjunct Professor) | Home Address: 1422 Bank Street, Apt. 6. South Pasedena, CA 91030 T: +1-310-721-7274 (USA) +7-968-407-87-60 (Russia). E-mail: [email protected] | Modernism and Destruction in Architecture | N / A | Ruins of Modernity | 2010 Duke UP | No | The Fountainhead | N / A | N / A |
Claudia Franziska Bruhwiler | University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) Project Coordinator and Lecturer. Main Focuses: Ayn Rand; Liberternism; Politics & Literature; Politics and Popular Culture | E-Mail: [email protected] T: +41 71 224 3349 | Prospector and Jeweler: Ayn Rand on the Relationship between Politics and Literature (Journal of American Studies) | Journal of American Studies | N / A | 2015 Feb; 49 (1) | No | Political Novel / Libertarnism | The novels by Russian immigrant writer Ayn Rand (1905–82) still attract a large readership, not least thanks to a recent renaissance of libertarian ideas in the US. Was it Rand's intention, when writing her novels, to construct political tracts, as many insinuate, or was she indeed trying to imitate her literary idols, as she herself claimed? The answer is complicated due to Rand's own contradictory statements on fiction's impact. Although Rand suggested that it was the reader who gave text meaning, she also believed her books to have an unambiguous message that should have a distinct effect on the reader. | N / A |
Claudia Franziska Bruhwiller | University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) Project Coordinator and Lecturer. Main Focuses: Ayn Rand; Liberternism; Politics & Literature; Politics and Popular Culture | E-Mail: [email protected] T: +41 71 224 3349 | Pitiless Adolescents and Young Crusaders: Reimaging Ayn Rand's Readers | Candanian Review of American Studies | N / A | 2016 Spring; 46 (1) | No | Treatment of characters. Relationship to adolescent readers. Keywords: Gene H. Bell-Villada; William F. Buckley; Mary Gaitskill; libertarianism; Objectivism; politics and literature; Ayn Rand; Tobias Wolff. | In the United States, Ayn Rand’s (1905–1982) novels still appeal to a large readership, in spite of their age and length. While many attribute Rand’s lasting popularity to her effect on the presumably young and impressionable, few have actually explored why her novels at times prove to be such a transformative reading experience. The article retraces Rand’s impact, through the lens of four writers who have reimagined her readers: Gene H. Bell-Villada, in the novella The Pianist Who Liked Ayn Rand; Tobias Wolff, in Old School; William F. Buckley, in Getting It Right; and Mary Gaitskill, in Two Girls, Fat and Thin. While Bell-Villada, Wolff, and Buckley convey their own attitudes toward Rand through their characters and shy away from creating strong Randian adherents, Gaitskill’s dark satiric novel offers a surprisingly more empathic account of a pseudo-Randian acolyte. | N / A |
Claudia Fransizka Bruhwiller | University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) Project Coordinator and Lecturer. Main Focuses: Ayn Rand; Liberternism; Politics & Literature; Politics and Popular Culture | E-Mail: [email protected] T: +41 71 224 3349 | A is A: Spider-Man, Ayn Rand, and What Man Ought to Be | Journal of Political Science & Politics | 2014 Jan; Vol. 47 Issue 1 | No | Projection of an Ideal Man | In 1979, writer Tom DeFalco was paired with artist and cocreator of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko, to work on an issue of Machine Man, one of the many superheroes populating the universe of Marvel Comics. Instead of the usual introduction and business chatter, Ditko challenged DeFalco during a first conversation: “Are you Tom? What gives you the right to write about heroes?” (Tucker 2012). By the time of this exchange, Ditko had not only (co-) created and continued numerous superhero stories, ranging from Captain Atom to Dr. Strange or the Hulk, but he had also dedicated a lot of thought to the question as to what composed true heroism. In the 1960s, he had already found answers in a place not uncommon for that time, namely, in the novels of a Russian immigrant whose work should serve, in her own words, as “the projection of an ideal man” (Rand 1943, ix; 1975, 162; 2005, 230): Ayn Rand (1905–1982). | N / A | |
Daniel Hunter Ferris | P.H.D. Candidate (University of North Dakota) | N / A | The Collision of Romanticism and Modernism in Post-World War II American Cinema: A Theoretical Defense of Intellectual History in the Undergraduate Classroom | N / A | N / A | 2014 May; 74 (11) | Yes Abstract No: DA3587421 | Dramatic Arts / Media / Film | The post-World War II era in the United States, which ran from 1945 to 1970, has long been divided into two distinct periods; the late 1940s and 1950s and the 1960s. Out of this separation has come a view of the late 1940s and 1950s as a time dominated by a conservative conformist culture that did little to rival pre-war norms. On the other hand, the 1960s have come to be seen as a decade that witnessed true social revolution and thus should be considered responsible for shaping the social and cultural landscape of late twentieth-century America. While these views represented the dominant scholarly position on post-war era culture, a recent shift has brought this view into serious question. Through the work of historians such as Alan Petigny, the post-war era is no longer divided into two separate periods, but rather considered as a single swath of time in which the forces of Modernism began to influence society and affect change. In a period that boasted numerous well-known philosophers and public intellectuals, Ayn Rand became one of the most widely-read and controversial thinkers of the post-war era. Despite being most well-known for her philosophical novels "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged," Rand wrote numerous works of non-fiction including the 1971 publication, "The Romantic Manifesto." In this collection of essays, which Rand wrote throughout the 1960s, she identified, like Petigny decades later, the aggressive march of Modernism in post-war America, which, in her estimation, had already ravaged Europe decades earlier, but was temporarily halted from fully taking over the United States because of the Second World War. In addition to identifying the war waged by Modernism against the established tradition of Romanticism in American culture, Rand also discussed the primary elements of literature, which could also be applied to film, and explained how one could determine whether or not a work of art represented Modernism or Romanticism. This study has two main objectives. In terms of historical inquiry, the study will apply the conclusions of Rand and Petigny as to the influence of Modernism across the entire scope of the post-war period to American cinema in order to determine whether or not the art produced by this popular and influential medium reflected an early presence of Modernism or if, in keeping with the traditional view of the period, Modernism was in fact a product of the 1960s. In order to put the ideas of Rand and Petigny to the test, a series of films from a range of genres that were made across the entire post-war period will be analyzed using Rand's method in order to determine whether or not they represent modernist ideas and influence. However, because this study will be used to create a History 399 course, elements of pedagogy will also be considered. Thus, prior to the film analysis, the importance of intellectual history will be stressed specifically in terms of its applicability to sources, such as films, that were previously excluded from serious consideration in the field. After concluding the film analysis, the study will then examine the literature on using film in the undergraduate classroom in order to demonstrate its value as the centerpiece of an undergraduate course. Finally, this study will conclude with a description of the specific course construction including readings, assignments, grading and assessment | Dissertation. U. of North Dakota. 238 Pages. |
Roxanne J. Fand | Roxanne J. Fand is a retired assistant professor of English at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. | N / A | Reading the Fountainhead: The Missing Self in Ayn Rand's Ethical Individualism | College English (CE) | N / A | 2009 May; 71 (5) | No | Teaching Literature | N / A | ROXANNE J. FAND is a retired Assistant Professor of English at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She holds Master's degrees in Education and English as a Second Language, and a Ph.D. in English Literature. Fand is the author of the book, The Dialogic Self: Reconstructing Subjectivity in Woolf, Lessing, and Atwood, articles on second language acquisition, and the article, “Margaret Atwood’s Robber Bride: The Dialogic Moral of a Nietzschean Fairy Tale” in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. Her article, “Reading The Fountainhead: The Missing Self in Ayn Rand’s Ethical Individualism” appears in College English, May 2009. Fand’s professional interests center on identity and culture theory, feminist-dialogic criticism, women writers, and cross-cultural dialogue. Research Interests: identity and culture theory, feminist-dialogic criticism, women writers, and cross-culture dialogue |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | Ayn Rand as Literary Mentor | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2006 Fall; 8 (1) | No | As Mentor / Relationship to Creative Process | "Erika Holzer's Ayn Rand: My Fiction-Writing Teacher is a collection of essays about Holzer's mentor-protege relationship with Rand. Written as a memoir, it is also a how-to-book on writing (fiction and nonfiction) which takes as its point of departure the personal advice Holzer received from Rand in her early years as a writer. The primary interest of the book lies in Holzer's account of her efforts to put this advice into practice, especially her struggle to learn from Rand while developing her own voice and vision. " | "Kirsti Minsaas is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo, Norway. In addition to works on Shakespeare and Aristotle's Poetics, she has published several articles on Ayn Rand's literature and aesthetic theory. Her most recent contributions to Rand criticism are included in The Literary Art of Ayn Rand (The Objectivist Center, 2005). She is currently working on a monograph dealing with the heroic vision of Rand's fiction. Kirsti Minsaas is a Norwegian literary scholar who has lectured on Ayn Rand as a literary artist both in Europe and the U.S. She was formerly a stage actress, but is now a doctoral candidate in English literature at the University of Oslo, preparing a thesis on Aristotle and Shakespearean tragedy. She is also writing a book discussing Ayn Rand's fiction. One of her major interests is the relationship between ethics and literature, two disciplines she believes have been too rigidly compartmentalized by academia. Minsaas presented two lectures at the Institute for Objectivist Studies' Summer Seminar in Philosophy in 1995." |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | How Not to Guide Student to Ayn Rand's Fiction | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2001 Fall; 3 (1) | No | Teaching of literature / Role of Intructional Materials / Pedagogical Approach. The Fountainhead. | "Minsaas reviews CliffsNotes to Ayn Rand's Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged, authored by Andrew Bernstein. Minsaas argues that there is little value in these guides, partly because of the restricted format of the CliffsNotes themselves. But she also takes issue with Bernstein's approach, which she believes is flawed by being more concerned with the philosophical than with the literary aspects of Rand's works and by a rigidly doctrinal Objectivism. " | Kirsti Minsaas, University of Oslo, Department of British and American Studies, P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway, is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo. Her dissertation topic was on the role of Aristotelian catharsis in Shakespearean tragedy, and she is currently working on a project on the "exemplary hero" in English literature from 1590 to 1820. She has also lectured extensively on Ayn Rand's fiction, both in Europe and in the United States. |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | The Role of Tragedy in Ayn Rand's Fiction | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2000 Spring; 1 (2) | No | Treatment of Tragedy. Ayn Rand. | "Minsaas examines the role of tragedy in Rand's fiction. Rand tended to dismiss tragedy, finding it incompatible with her doctrine that art should serve as a kind of inspirational fuel. But her own fiction often makes use of tragedy in ways that transcend her theory and that reveal its inadequacy as a basis for interpreting her works. A satisfactory comprehension of the meaning and function of the tragic occurrences in Rand's works, Minsaas argues, requires engagement with such conceptual frameworks as Aristotle's catharsis theory, Nietzsche's attack on pity, the Prometheus myth, and the Stoic idea of heroic calm. " | Kirsti Minsaas, University of Oslo, Department of British and American Studies, P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway, is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo. Her dissertation topic was on the role of Aristotelian catharsis in Shakespearean tragedy, and she is currently working on a project on the "exemplary hero" in English literature from 1590 to 1820. She has also lectured extensively on Ayn Rand's fiction, both in Europe and in the United States. |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | Ayn Rand as Literary Mentor | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2006 Fall; 8 (1) | No | As mentor. Relationship to Creative Process. Review Article. | Erika Holzer's Ayn Rand: My Fiction-Writing Teacher is a collection of essays about Holzer's mentor-protege relationship with Rand. Written as a memoir, it is also a how-to-book on writing (fiction and nonfiction) which takes as its point of departure the personal advice Holzer received from Rand in her early years as a writer. The primary interest of the book lies in Holzer's account of her efforts to put this advice into practice, especially her struggle to learn from Rand while developing her own voice and vision. | Kirsti Minsaas, University of Oslo, Department of British and American Studies, P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway, is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo. Her dissertation topic was on the role of Aristotelian catharsis in Shakespearean tragedy, and she is currently working on a project on the "exemplary hero" in English literature from 1590 to 1820. She has also lectured extensively on Ayn Rand's fiction, both in Europe and in the United States. |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | Mimesis and Expression in Ayn Rand's Theory of Art | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2005 Fall; 7 (1) | No | Treatment of Arts; Relationship to Mimesis; Expression | This article explores the many ways in which Rand's theory of art, though basically mimetic, is strongly infused with expressive elements traditionally associated with Romantic aesthetics. This expressionism, it is argued, puts pressure on Rand's mimeticism to the point of threatening to destabilize it. This is especially evident in Rand's discussion of architecture and music, both of which she regards as valid art forms but fails to accommodate to her mimetic definition of art as a selective re-creation of reality. This inconsistency, the article suggests, is best resolved by reference to the expressive dimension that informs Rand's overall theory. | Kirsti Minsaas, University of Oslo, Department of British and American Studies, P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway, is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo. Her dissertation topic was on the role of Aristotelian catharsis in Shakespearean tragedy, and she is currently working on a project on the "exemplary hero" in English literature from 1590 to 1820. She has also lectured extensively on Ayn Rand's fiction, both in Europe and in the United States. |
Kirsti Minsaas | University of Oslo, Norway (Former Lecturer of English Literature) [1994 - 2007] | University of Oslo Department of British and American Studies P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo | The Poetics of Admiration: Ayn Rand and the Art of Heroic Fiction | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2004 Fall; 6 (1) | No | Treatment of Aesthetics; of Admiration. | Minsaas explores the role admiration plays in Rand's literary theory. Seeing admiration as the emotional core of what Rand refers to as a moral sense of life, she first discusses the nature of admiration, focusing on the interrelation between its moral and aesthetic aspects. She then examines its specific significance in Rand's heroic poetics, both in the structure of and in the response to heroic fiction. Finally, she points out certain problems pertaining to Rand's rather partisan preference for heroic art, especially the danger of didacticism and Rand's tendency to dismiss the value of other genres, such as tragedy. | Kirsti Minsaas, University of Oslo, Department of British and American Studies, P. O. Box 1003 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway, is a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Oslo. Her dissertation topic was on the role of Aristotelian catharsis in Shakespearean tragedy, and she is currently working on a project on the "exemplary hero" in English literature from 1590 to 1820. She has also lectured extensively on Ayn Rand's fiction, both in Europe and in the United States. |
Arthur Barry Stricker | N / A | The Life and Thought of Ayn Rand: The Roots of Objectivism | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies | N / A | 1988 June; 48 (12) | Yes | American Literature / Philosophy / Hermenutics | The purpose of the dissertation was to describe and evaluate the fully-developed thought of Objectivism as found in the writings of Ayn Rand. The descriptive aspect was accomplished by examining the writings of Ayn Rand in detail. The evaluative aspect was accomplished by analyzing Rand's understanding of her philosophic and personal heritage, her use of presuppositions and axiomatic primaries, her specific treatment of epistemological concerns, and her understanding of the metaphysical subject-object dichotomy. To aid in this task of evaluation, the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer was introduced as an alternative paradigm for better understanding some of the issues raised by Rand's thought. ;Chapter 2 presented a discussion of the life and personal background of Ayn Rand. It was illustrated that certain key events and developments had great impact upon the later intellectual and philosophic positions of Rand. This was in stark contrast to her claims. Chapter 3 examined Rand's expressed philosophic roots and noted her affection and public affirmation of the philosophy of Aristotle. This chapter also highlighted Rand's hatred for Kantian philosophy as well as her claim that the irrationality of the modern world was the product of a Kantian perspective. ;Chapters 4 and 5 described in detail the philosophic thought of Rand. Chapter 4 treated metaphysics and epistemology. Rand's common-sense realism was built upon her understanding of the subject-object split. Rand's epistemology was centered upon the claims of reason as the only legitimate manner of knowing. Chapter 5 treated Rand's ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Rand's positions in these areas were expressed in terms of egoism, radical capitalism, and romantic realism. The description presented in these chapters was based solely upon Rand's own writing. ;Chapter 6 offered both evaluation of Rand's program and additional dialogue using the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer. It was claimed that Rand's philosophic position is untenable because of her illegitimate use of philosophic presuppositions, her positing of axiomatic primaries which remain above examination, and her failure to develop a workable epistemology. It was argued that in her larger body of thought, Rand even subverts the internal logic of her epistemology. Gadamer's understanding of truth and logical method was presented as an appropriate alternative to the point of view of Rand's Objectivist philosophy | N / A | |
Arthur Barry Stricker | N / A | The Life and Thought of Ayn Rand: The Roots of Objectivism | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies | N / A | 1988 June; 48 (12) | Yes | American Literature / Philosophy / Hermenutics | The purpose of the dissertation was to describe and evaluate the fully-developed thought of Objectivism as found in the writings of Ayn Rand. The descriptive aspect was accomplished by examining the writings of Ayn Rand in detail. The evaluative aspect was accomplished by analyzing Rand's understanding of her philosophic and personal heritage, her use of presuppositions and axiomatic primaries, her specific treatment of epistemological concerns, and her understanding of the metaphysical subject-object dichotomy. To aid in this task of evaluation, the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer was introduced as an alternative paradigm for better understanding some of the issues raised by Rand's thought. ;Chapter 2 presented a discussion of the life and personal background of Ayn Rand. It was illustrated that certain key events and developments had great impact upon the later intellectual and philosophic positions of Rand. This was in stark contrast to her claims. Chapter 3 examined Rand's expressed philosophic roots and noted her affection and public affirmation of the philosophy of Aristotle. This chapter also highlighted Rand's hatred for Kantian philosophy as well as her claim that the irrationality of the modern world was the product of a Kantian perspective. ;Chapters 4 and 5 described in detail the philosophic thought of Rand. Chapter 4 treated metaphysics and epistemology. Rand's common-sense realism was built upon her understanding of the subject-object split. Rand's epistemology was centered upon the claims of reason as the only legitimate manner of knowing. Chapter 5 treated Rand's ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Rand's positions in these areas were expressed in terms of egoism, radical capitalism, and romantic realism. The description presented in these chapters was based solely upon Rand's own writing. ;Chapter 6 offered both evaluation of Rand's program and additional dialogue using the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer. It was claimed that Rand's philosophic position is untenable because of her illegitimate use of philosophic presuppositions, her positing of axiomatic primaries which remain above examination, and her failure to develop a workable epistemology. It was argued that in her larger body of thought, Rand even subverts the internal logic of her epistemology. Gadamer's understanding of truth and logical method was presented as an appropriate alternative to the point of view of Rand's Objectivist philosophy | N / A | |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical | N / A | Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (Penn. State UP) | 2013. Penn. State UP | No | American Literature & AR 1900-1999 | Author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand (1905–1982) is one of the most widely read philosophers of the twentieth century. Yet, despite the sale of over thirty million copies of her works, there have been few serious scholarly examinations of her thought. Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical provides a comprehensive analysis of the intellectual roots and philosophy of this controversial thinker. It has been nearly twenty years since the original publication of Chris Sciabarra’s Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical. Those years have witnessed an explosive increase in Rand sightings across the social landscape: in books on philosophy, politics, and culture; in film and literature; and in contemporary American politics, from the rise of the Tea Party to recent presidential campaigns. During this time Sciabarra continued to work toward the reclamation of the dialectical method in the service of a radical libertarian politics, culminating in his book Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism (Penn State, 2000). In this new edition of Ayn Rand, Chris Sciabarra adds two chapters that present in-depth analysis of the most complete transcripts to date documenting Rand’s education at Petrograd State University. A new preface places the book in the context of Sciabarra’s own research and the recent expansion of interest in Rand’s philosophy. Finally, this edition includes a postscript that answers a recent critic of Sciabarra’s historical work on Rand. Shoshana Milgram, Rand’s biographer, has tried to cast doubt on Rand’s own recollections of having studied with the famous Russian philosopher N. O. Lossky. Sciabarra shows that Milgram’s analysis fails to cast doubt on Rand’s recollections—or on Sciabarra’s historical thesis. | CHRIS MATTHEW SCIABARRA, co-editor of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand, is Visiting Scholar in the Department of Politics at New York University. At N.Y.U., he earned a B.A. in history (with honors), economics, and politics, an M.A. in politics, and a Ph.D., with distinction, in political theory, philosophy, and methodology. He is the author of the forthcoming, Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism (Penn State Press, 2000), his third book in the trilogy that began with Marx, Hayek, and Utopia (State University of New York Press, 1995) and continued with Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (Penn State Press, 1995). In his exploration of the nature of political radicalism, he integrates libertarian social theory and dialectical method. His website features many of the debates that his work has provoked. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Ayn Rand in the Scholarly Literature | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2001 Fall; 3 (1) | No | Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Theories of Feyerabend | The authors discuss references to Ayn Rand in the works of Paul Feyerabend and Slavojk. | CHRIS MATTHEW SCIABARRA received his Ph.D., with distinction, in political theory, philosophy, and methodology from New York University. He is the author of the “Dialectics and Liberty Trilogy,” which includes Marx, Hayek, and Utopia (State University of New York Press, 1995), Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995; expanded second edition, 2013), and Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000). He is also coeditor, with Mimi Reisel Gladstein, of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999), and a founding coeditor of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (1999–present). He has written over a dozen encyclopedia entries dealing with Objectivism and libertarianism, given over 50 interviews published in such periodicals as The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Village Voice, and The Economist, and published over 150 essays, which have appeared in publications as diverse as Critical Review, Reason Papers, Liberty, Reason, The New York Daily News, Film Score Monthly, Jazz Times, Just Jazz Guitar, and Billboard. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra (Ed.) | N.Y.U. (Visting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Centrary Symposium: Part I: Ayn Rand: Literary and Culltural Impact | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2004 Fall; 6 (1) | No | Ayn Rand (Influence Study) | N / A | Blog: http://www.nyu.edu/projects/sciabarra/notablog/ |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra (Ed.) | N.Y.U. (Visting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Centenary Symposium, Part II: Ayn Rand among the Austirians | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2005 Spring 6 (2) | No | Treatment of Capitalism. Objectivism. Relationship to Ludwig Von Mises and Menger Carl Austrian Society | This article surveys Rand's relationship to key thinkers in the Austrian school of economics, including Ludwig von Mises, Murray N. Rothbard, and F. A. Hayek. Austrian theory informs the writings of Rand and her early associates (e.g., Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, and George Reisman) on topics ranging from monopoly to business cycles. Some post-Randian thinkers (e.g., Richard Salsman), however, have repudiated many of these insights, thus constituting a movement away from the historically close relationship between Objectivism and Austrianism. This symposium explores the distinction between these approaches and the possibilities for a shared vision. | Bio: https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sciabarra/about/bio.htm |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Life, Death, Renewal | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2014 July; 14 (1) | No | Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Treatment in Biography | This essay discusses the passing of two figures important to Ayn Rand studies: Allan Gotthelf and Barbara Branden. It also contextualizes some of the essays published in the current issue. [An excerpt from this introduction can be found here.] | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Enc. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | The Rand Transcript Revisted | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2005 Fall; 7 (1) | No | Treatment of Professor. Relationship to Nikolia Losskii. Textual Revision | In an examination of recently recovered materials from Russian archival sources, Sciabarra expands on his earlier studies of Rand's secondary and university education in Silver Age Russia (see the Fall 1999 Journal of Ayn Rand Studies essay, "The Rand Transcript"). He uncovers new details that are consistent with his historical theses, first presented in the 1995 book, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical. He reexamines the case for a connection between Rand and N. O. Lossky, and proposes a possible parallel between Lossky and a character Rand called "Professor Leskov" in an early draft of the novel, We the Living. | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Enc. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | The Illustrated Rand | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2004 Fall; 6 (1) | No | Relationship to Visual Arts. Influence Study. | This article surveys the exponential increase in Rand references in scholarly and popular sources to illustrate her cultural ascendancy as an iconic figure. Special attention is paid to Rand's impact on popular literature, television, cartoons, and illustrated media, including comics. Rand's own involvement in illustrated presentations of her ideas is explored, as is her influence on such comic artists as Steve Ditko, Frank Miller, and others. Nathaniel Branden's insights on the role of comics in projecting heroic values are also addressed. | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Enc. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Ayn Rand in the Scholarly Literature II: Rand, Rush, and Rock. | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2002 Fall; 4 (1) | No | Treatment in Music Criticism; On Rock and Roll Song | Sciabarra surveys discussions of Ayn Rand in the literature on Progressive rock music. He examines critically Edward Macan's Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture, Paul Stump's The Music's All That Matters: A History of Progressive Rock, Carol Selby Price and Robert M. Price's Mystic Rhythms: The Philosophical Vision of Rush, Bill Martin'sListening to the Future: The Time of Progressive Rock, 1968-1978 (1998), and Durrell S. Bowman's essay on the rock band Rush in Kevin Holm-Hudson'sProgressive Rock Reconsidered. He argues that the authors show varying degrees of understanding of Rand's brand of "redemptive politics." [html version available] | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Enc. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Chris Matthew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visiting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Bill Bradford, Ayn Rand, and Coney Island | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2006 Spring; 7 (2) | No | American Literature. Treatment of AR & role or Raymond Bradford. | This essay offers a tribute to R. W. Bradford, one of the founding co-editors of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, who passed away on 8 December 2005. It also marks the passing of two other writers who have contributed to Rand studies: Joan Kennedy Taylor and Chris Tame. | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Ency. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Chris Mathew Sciabarra | N.Y.U. (Visting Scholar) | E-Mails: [email protected] [email protected] | Assessing the Legacy of Nathniel Branden | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2015 July; 15 (1): 1-2 | No | Relationship to Objectivism. Theories of Nathaniel Branden. | In a forthcoming issue of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, we will publish a wide-ranging symposium "Assessing the Work and Legacy of Nathaniel Branden." Branden was made aware of our planned symposium and gave us his blessings, many months prior to his passing on 3 December 2014. We aim to publish a collection of essays that will honor our commitment to fostering scholarly dialogue through a respectful interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, drawn from a variety of interpretive and critical perspectives. | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Ency. Entries on Objectivism and Liberitarnism. |
Caroline Breashears | St. Lawrence University Associate Professor of English | Mail: St. Lawrence University Department of English 102 Richardson Hall Canton, NY 13617 T: (315) 229-5146 E-Mail: [email protected] | Why James Taggart Is No Prince Charming: Ayn Rand and Fairy Tales | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2014 July; 14 (1) | No | The Fountainhead / Intertexuality / Conformity / Heroism / Individualism | This article examines how and why Ayn Rand uses fairy tales as intertexts in her novels. It argues that she evokes and revises fairy tales to exemplify the metaphysical values that her novels resist. For Rand, fairy tales like "Cinderella" are problematic because they typically endorse conventionality over the truly heroic. She therefore associates them with secondhanders and villains. She rejects their message that mindless conformity leads to happily-ever-after, and she exposes how fairy tales can be formidable vehicles for promoting the senseless. She reinforces her point by contrasting them with her revisions of myths, which she associates with heroes. | CAROLINE BREASHEARS Caroline Breashears is an associate professor of English at St. Lawrence University. She has taught courses on Ayn Rand, fairy tales, and British literature. Caroline Breashears, who received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, specializes in eighteenth-century British literature. Recent publications include Eighteenth-Century Women's Writing and the "Scandalous Memoir" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) and articles in Aphra Behn Online and the International Journal of Pluralistic and Economics Education. She teaches courses on fairy tales, eighteenth-century British Literature, and Jane Austen. |
Donald Leslie Johnson | University of South Australlia. Adjunct Professor School of Art, Architecture, and Design. | Email: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 75. Kangarilla, South Australia 5157. | The Fountainheads: Wright, Rand, the FBI and Hollywood | N / A | Book (McFarland) | 2005. McFarland. | No | Ayn Rand / The Fountainhead / Treatment of Architects | N / A | Retired from teaching and research degree supervision. Specializes in Architecture of Frank Loyd Wright. |
Simon Schleusener | John F. Kennedy Institut, Freie Universitat. Berlin. Department of Culture. Lecturer. | Email: [email protected]. T: + 49 30 838 52880. Mail: Freie Universitat. Lansstrabe 7-9. Room 314. 14195. Berlin. | Neoliberal Affects: The Culture and Logic of Cool Capitalism | REAL: The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature | N / A | 2014 | No | Dramatic Arts / Media / Film | N / A | N / A |
Barbara Branden | Writer & Lecturer / M.A. Philo NYU (Sydney Hook). AR's friend 18 Years. Former Managing Editor Objectivist (Philosophical Journal). Executive Director of Nathaniel Branden Institute | R.I.P. (May 14, 1929-December 11, 2013) | Ayn Rand: The Reluctant Fundamentalist | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | Wrote Thesis Under Syndey Hook at NYU. Wrote The Passion of Ayn Rand and Who is Ayn Rand. |
Diana Mertz Bricknell | Graduate NYU | N / A | Was Ayn Rand a Feminist? | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | DIANA MERTZ BRICkELL (magna cum laude) in philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis. In 1997, she received the Nishi Luthra Prize in Philosophy from Washington University. Diana currently resides in Los Angeles, where whe works as a computer programmer and continues to write on philosophy and feminist issues. |
Diana Mertz Bricknell | Philosophy BA Washington U (St. Louis) | N / A | Sex and Gender Through an Egoist Lens: Masculinity and Feminity in the Philosophy of Ayn Rand | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | |
Susan Love Brown | Prf. Anthro. Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton) | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (561) 297-2325 Mail: Department of Anthropology Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road --SO 103 Boca Raton, Florida 33431-0991 | Ayn Rand: The Woman Who Would Not Be President | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | SUSAN LOVE BROWN is a professor of anthropology at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Boca Raton, and received her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California, San Diego. She is a political and psychological anthropologist, specializing in the Caribbean and the United States in the areas of cultural theory, social evolution, gender, ethnicity, individualist anarchism, and the study of intentional communities. She is the former director of the Public Intellectuals Program, the Ph.D. in Comparative Studies, and she is a faculty associate of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program at FAU and has taught Gender and Culture for the last 20 years. She has written a number of articles and book chapters about gender and sexuality in Ayn Rand's novels, and she is the editor of Intentional Community: An Anthropological Perspective (SUNY, 2002). She is currently working on a full-length study of Ayn Rand and gender. |
Susan Love Brown | Prf. Anthro. Florida Atlantic University (Boca) | Alternative E-mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand and Rape | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2015 July | No | The Fountainhead. Treatment of Rape. Freedom. Relationship and Ambiguity. | The first sexual encounter between Dominique Francon and Howard Roark in The Fountainhead is known as the “rape scene.” From the time of the novel's publication, some readers have found a contradiction between Rand's views on freedom and the violence within the novel. The ambiguity arises from the way in which the scenes leading up to the event are constructed, the sadomasochistic context of the novel, and Rand's views of gender and romantic relationships. Although Rand repeatedly denied that any rape occurred, this article concludes that a rape did occur and that Rand fully intended it to be so. | N / A |
Susan Love Brown | Prf. Anthro. Florida Atlantic University (Boca) | Alternative E-mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand as Public Intellectual: Notes from the Margin. | Studies in the Humanities (StHum) | N / A | 2008 Dec; 35 (2) | No | Ayn Rand. Relationship to Intellectuals. Public Sphere. | N / A | N / A |
Susan Love Brown | Prf. Anthro. Florida Atlantic University (Boca) | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (561) 297-2325 Mail: Department of Anthropology Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road --SO 103 Boca Raton, Florida 33431-0991 | Society Toward an Objective View | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2007 Fall; 9 (1) | No | Treatment of society. Relationship to social behavior | "This article seeks to clarify the nature of human society by reclaiming sociality as an attribute of human nature. Sociality---the need for human beings to connect physically and psychologically with other human beings---contributes to the development of the rational faculty, affecting the processes of identity formation, socialization, and enculturation. Following F. G. Bailey's model of political structures as a foundation, the article posits that social structures and their institutions derive from nine domains of human action: the social, economic, political, legal, educational, medical, spiritual, artistic, and sportive. " | N / A |
Susan Love Brown | Prf. Anthro. Florida Atlantic University (Boca) | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (561) 297-2325 Mail: Department of Anthropology Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road --SO 103 Boca Raton, Florida 33431-0991 | Essays on Ayn Rand's Fiction | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2006 Fall; 8 (1) | Yes | English summary of Robert Mayhew's Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. | The two volumes edited by Robert Mayhew provide new information about the creation, publication, and histories of Anthem and We the Living. The essays were written by authors who had access to the Ayn Rand Archives, and whose work constitutes a good foundation for the study of these novels. Although both volumes contain chapters that deal unsatisfactorily with Rand's changes between editions and sometimes fail to acknowledge the work of other writers and scholars in the field, these collections also contain many new insights into Rand's life in Russia and the creative process and are great additions to Rand scholarship. | N / A |
Susan Brownmiller | Feminist journalist, author, and activist. Born February 15 1935. 82 years old. Reporter ABC-TV. Freelance Writer NYT. Most famous book "Against Our Will." | Website: www.susanbrownmiller.com | Ayn Rand: A Traitor to Her Own Sex | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism. Treatment of Rape. As Masochism of women. The Fountainhead. | N / A | SUSAN BROWNMILLER is the author of many books and essays, including Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (Bantam Books, 1975), Femininity (Linden Press, 1984), Waverly Place (Grove Press, 1989), and Seeing Vietnam: Encounters of the Road and Heart (HarperCollins, 1994). Website: www.susanbrownmiller.com |
Mimi Reisel Gladstein | Eng. & Theatre Prf. U Texas (El Paso) | Mail: The University of Texas at Elpaso Department of Theater and Dance Fox Fine Arts Building, (Room 371 D). 500 W University El Paso, Texas 79902 E-Mail: [email protected] T: (915) 747-5146 | Ayn Rand and Feminism: An Unlikely Alliance / Introduction | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | MIMI REISEL GLADSTEIN, co-editor of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand, is a Professor of English and Theatre Arts at the University of Texas at El Paso, where she is currently Associate Dean of Liberal Arts. She was the first Director of the Women's Studies Program at her university. She has chaired the English Department twice, was the Executive Director for the University's Diamond Jubilee Celebration, and Director of the Western Cultural Heritage Program. She is the author of The Ayn Rand Companion (1984), The Indestructible Woman in Faulkner, Hemingway, and Steinbeck (1986), The New Ayn Rand Companion, Revised and Expanded Edition (1999), and a volume on Atlas Shrugged for Twayne's Masterwork Studies series, Atlas Shrugged: Manifesto of the Mind (2000). She also received her university's College of Liberal Arts' Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award in 2003 She has been a Fulbright Professor in Venezuela (1990-91) and Spain (1995). For a 31 May 2004 interview with Mimi Reisel Gladstein, conducted by Craig Ceely for The Atlasphere, click here. Feminist Interpretations Website: https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sciabarra/femstart.htm |
Mimi Reisel Gladstein | Eng. & Theatre Prf. U Texas (El Paso) | See Above | Rand's Gender Politics: A Potential of Cognitive Dissonance | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2014 Dec; 14 (2) | No | Treatment of Gender; Relationship to Sexual Politics; Feminism | Although Ayn Rand and her philosophy have influenced many nascent feminists, particularly those of the individualist inclination, Rand was openly hostile to the feminist movement and declared that she would not vote for a woman for president. The author analyzes Rand's position and reasoning about a woman president, finding it contradictory to the rational principles Rand professed. | N / A |
Mimi Reisel Gladstein | Eng. & Theatre Prf. U Texas (El Paso) | Mail: The University of Texas at Elpaso Department of Theater and Dance Fox Fine Arts Building, (Room 371 D). 500 W University El Paso, Texas 79902 E-Mail: [email protected] T: (915) 747-5146 | Beauvoir and Rand: Asphyxating People, Having Sex, and Pursuing a Career. | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2015 July; 15 (1) | No | By women writers. Treatment of Career. Sex. Violence. Goal. Relationship to Ethics. Compared to Simone De Beauvoir. | In an attempt to start rectifying a lamentable disparity in scholarship, we evince fruitful points of similarity and difference in the ideas of Simone de Beauvoir and Ayn Rand, paying particular attention to their views on long-term projects. Endorsing what might be called an "Ethic of Resolve," Rand praises those who undertake sustained goal-directed actions such as careers. Beauvoir, however, endorses an "Ethic of Ambiguity" that makes her more skeptical about the prospects of carrying out lifelong projects without deluding oneself. Our study teases apart the strengths and drawbacks of these views. | N / A |
Thomas Gramstad | Freelance Teacher | E-Mail: [email protected] T: +47-22852546 | The Female Hero: A Randian-Feminist Synthesis | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism. Feminism, Gender, Liberation & Multiculturalism. | N / A | THOMAS GRAMSTAD is a "digital nomad": a freelance writer, teacher and conference organizer with a primary focus on interactive cyber- and multimedia, virtual communities and computer art. His work focuses on the intersection of feminism, gender liberation and multiculturalism. He is the creator of more than thirty interactive group forums on the Internet, including alt.feminism.individualism, alt.tv.xena, and the Amazons International Newsletter. He is the author of "The Edison Galaxy: Text Beyond the Oral/Literary Dichotomy," in T. Julsrud & J. W. Bakke's The Digital Nomad (Spartacus, Oslo), and of numerous articles and essays. |
Melissa Jane Hardy | Professor of English, Cultural & Women's Studies U Sydney (Senior Lecturer Department of English). Studies Literature, Late Modernism, and Avant-Garde. | E-Mail: [email protected]. [email protected]. T: +61 2 9351 7737 Mail: The University Of Sydney John Woolley Building Manning Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050, Australia | Fluff and Granite: Rereading Rand's Camp Feminist Aesethetics | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | MELISSA JANE HARDIE teaches English, cultural studies, and women's studies in the English Department, University of Sydney. Her Ph.D. was awarded at the University of Sydney in 1994. She is currently completing her book Camp Quality: Women, Popular Culture, Queer Aesthetics. Her recent publications include "'I Embrace The Difference': Elizabeth Taylor and the Closet" in Grosz & Probyn, eds., Sexy Bodies: The Strange Carnalities of Feminism (Routledge, 1995), and "Restless: Paglia v. Sontag" in American Feminist Studies (1997). Future projects include work on liberation and nostalgia |
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison | Author (Books & Essays) | R.I.P. 67 Years Old | Psyching Out Ayn Rand | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism. Treatment of female-male relations; as sadomasochism; relationship to objectivism (philosophy). | N / A | BARBARA GRIZZUTI HARRISON is the author of many books and essays, including Unlearning the Lie: Sexism in School (Liveright, 1973), Visions of Glory: A History and a Memory of Jehovah's Witnesses (Simon and Schuster, 1978), Off Center: Essays (Dial Press, 1980), The Astonishing World: Essays (Ticknor & Fields, 1992), and An Accidental Autobiography (Houghton Mifflin, 1996). |
Valorie Loiret-Prunet | Prf. Lings. & Lit. VP French AR Society | E-Mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand and Feminist Synthesis: Regarding We the Living | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | VALOIRE LOIRET PRUNET is a Professor of Linguistics and Literature. She earned her degree at the University of Paris, and teaches courses in text analysis, grammar and philosophy. Her current project is "Rediscovering the 'I' in Discourse and Grammar: Modern Enunciative Linguistics and Objectivism." She serves as Vice President of the French Ayn Rand Society. |
Wendy McElroy | Author & Feminist Lecturer. Canadian individualist anarchist and feminist. | Born 1951. Age 66. | Looking Through a Paradigm Darkly | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism. The Fountainhead. Treatment of sex. Rape. | N / A | WENDY McELROY is author of XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography (St. Martin's Press, 1995) and Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women (McFarland , 1996). She is the editor of the anthology Freedom, Feminism, and the State (Cato Institute, 1982), now in its third edition. She is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in publivations as diverse as National Review and Marie Claire. She is a feminist lecturer, most recently on the International Congress on Prostitution. Member of Wisonsin Scholars Society U Madision |
Karen Michalson | PhD. English U Mass Amherst (Author) | Popular Author | Who is Dagny Taggart?: The Epic Hero/ine in Disguise | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | KAREN MICHALSON holds a Ph.D. in English from the university of Massachusettes at Amherst. She is a full-time writer and musician. She is the author of several novels, book reviews, scholarly articles, and one scholarly book. She has taught at Worcester Polytecnic Institute and the University of Connecticut at Storrs. She is also president of Arula Records and the bassist-vocalist of her rock band, Point of Ares, whose debut CD Enemy Glory, is based on her literary fantasy trilogy of the same title. |
Camille Pagali | Humanities Prf. U Arts in Philadelphia | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: 215-717-6265 | Reflections on Ayn Rand | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | CAMILLE PAGLIA is Professor of Humanities at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Her books include Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Neferitite to Emily Dickinson (Yale University Press 1992), Sex, Art and American Culture (Vintage Books, 1992), and Vamps; and Tramps: New Essays (Vintage Books, 1994). |
Sharon Presley | PhD. Social Psychology C.U.N.Y. | California State University East Bay (Retird) Taught at 13 different schools | Ayn Rands Philosophy of Individualism: A Feminist Psychologist's Perspective | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism. Treatment of Individuallism. As Alienation. Relationship to Feminism. The psychology of individualism. | Taught Psy. Women Cal. St. U. + Iowa State | SHARON PRESLEY received her Ph.D in social psychology from the City University of New York. She has taught psychology of women and other gender-related courses at California State University, Iowa State University, the College of Wooster, and Weber State College. Her published research includes a study of political resisters to authority, historical papers on women resisters, and a study of Mormon feminists. She is the Executive Director of Resources for Indepdentent Thinking, a non-profit educational institution, and is working on two books. |
Robert Sheaffer | Visting Scholar Dept. Politics NYU Works in Silicon Valley | N / A | Introduction | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | Founding Coeditor (JARS) / Wrote Enc. Entries Objectivism and Libertarniasm. Maintains Skeptical Website |
Robert Sheaffer | Author of Resentment Against Achievement. | N / A | Rereading Rand on Gender in the Light of Paglia | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | ROBERT SHEAFFER Received his B.A. and M.A.T. degrees from Northwestern University. He has contributed articles and reviews to Reason, Liberty, the Humanist, Scientific American, Free Inquiry, and other publications. He works in California's Silicon Valley as a data communications engineer. |
Joan Kennedy Taylor | Was an American journalist, author, editor, public intellectual, and political activist. She is best known for her advocacy of individualist feminism and for her role in the development of the modern American libertarian movement. | R.I.P. (1926-2005) | Ayn Rand and the Concept of Feminism: A Reclamation | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism | N / A | Joan Kennedy Taylor was an American journalist, author, editor, public intellectual, and political activist. She is best known for her advocacy of individualist feminism and for her role in the development of the modern American libertarian movement. "As a publicity assistant at Knopf, Joan read an advance copy of [Ayn] Rand's Atlas Shrugged and found the book fascinating. She wrote a letter of appreciation to the author, who responded by inviting her to lunch. The two women established a friendship, partly because of Joan's deep interest in 'Objectivism.' For Taylor, Rand blended literary aptitude and economic philosophy into an attractive package." Taylor began writing about politics from her new Objectivist perspective and soon founded and edited an independent monthly political magazine, Persuasion (1964–1968) the first political magazine ever personally endorsed and recommended by Ayn Rand. In the December 1965 issue of The Objectivist Newsletter, Rand wrote that Persuasion "does a remarkable educational job in tying current political events to wider principles, evaluating specific events in a rational frame-of-reference, and maintaining a high degree of consistency. It is of particular interest and value to all those who are eager to fight on the level of practical politics, but flounder hopelessly for lack of proper material." |
Barry Vacker | Prf. Cnt. Commun. & Arts Sth. Methd. U Dallas. Recent: Associate Professor of Instruction Temple University. Media Studies and Production Department. | E-Mail: [email protected] Off: (215)204-3623 Other: (215) 204-5401 | Skyscrapers, Supermodels, and Strange Attractors: Ayn Rand, Naomi Wolf an the Third Wave Aethos. | N / A | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism / Role of culture / Aesthetics of industrialism | N / A | BARRY VACKER is an Assistant Professor, Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275. He is the author of many articles on aesthetics and technology. His forthcoming book, Chaos at the Edge of Utopia, offers a radical reinterpretation of the aesthetics and technologies of utopia, past and future. His projects at Temple University's Department of Media Studies and Production explore how utopia, dystopia, and human destiny have been represented in art, media, technology, and culture. He uses an arts and sciences approach to creatively and critically theorize the intersection of media, philosophy, culture, and technology, all of which shape human destiny around the world. |
Barry Vacker | Prf. Cnt. Commun. & Arts Sth. Methd. U Dallas. Klein College of Media & Communication., Associate Professor of Instruction | E-Mail: [email protected] Office: 215-204-3623 Other: 215-204-5401 Office: Tomlinson Theater, Room 224" | Guggenheims and Grand Canyons | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | Spring 2001 | No | Treatment of Art. Aesthetics. Theories of Louis Torres. | Vacker argues that Torres and Kamhi's What Art Is seems destined to become the seminal explication of Randian aesthetics. But the authors conflate a psychology of art with a philosophy of aesthetics, and, in so doing, embrace several aesthetic divides that have plagued modern arts and culture: art versus beauty, art versus material function, and order versus chaos. What Art Ispresents a theory of aesthetics that is inherently anti-aesthetic, ultimately seeking to preserve a past order against the chaotic future. | Dr. Philo., Law, Communication UT Austin |
Barry Vacker | Medows School of the Arts. Southern Methodist University. Assistant Professor. Temple University, Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Media Studies & Production | Mail: Temple University Department of Media Studies 2020 N 13th St, Philadelphia, PA 19122. E-Mail: [email protected] T: Office: 215-204-3623 Other: 215-204-5401. Office: Tomlinson Theater, Room 224 Office: 215-204-3623 Other: 215-204-5401 Office: Tomlinson Theater, Room 224" | The Strange Attractor in Randian Aesthetics | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | N / A | 2000 Fall; 2 (1) | No | American Literature. (1900-1999). Ayn Rand. (1905-1982). The Fountainhead. (1943). The Romantic Manifesto. (1969) | Vacker views The Fountainhead as unique in utopian literature, since it rejects the traditional vision of total planning for total order, in favor of a utopian vision expressed through the aesthetics of egoism and chaos. In particular, Howard Roark's buildings embrace the fractal forms being uncovered in the post-Newtonian sciences of chaos and complexity. As such, this suggests that the insights of chaos theory be integrated with Rand's theory of art and epistemology. Vacker argues that chaotic forms and processes should be placed at the center of a utopian cultural aesthetic that embraces strange attractors. | BARRY VACKER is an Assistant Professor, Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275. He earned a doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin, where his studies and dissertation covered philosophy, aesthetics, law, and media. He has authored articles and book chapters on aesthetics, culture, and technology. His forthcoming book, entitled Chaos at The Edge of Utopia, offers a radical new interpretation of utopia based on aesthetics and chaos |
Judith Wilt | Prf. Engl. Boston College | Mail: Department of English Boston College. 35 Commonwealth Avenue # 407 Chestnut Hill, MA 02567. E-Mail: [email protected]. O: (617) 552-3702. H: (617) 332-3298 | The Romances of Ayn Rand | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Pub. Penn State) | 1999 | No | Ayn Rand and Feminism . Treatment of Love, sexual violence, relationship to cultural politics. | Teaches & Writes British & American Fiction, Pop. Culture, Women's Stud., Religion & Literature | JUDITH WILT is a Professor of English, former chair of the department, and founding director of the Women's Studies Program at Boston College. She teaches and writes in the fields of British and American fiction, popular culture, women's studies, and religion and literature. |
Judith Wilt | Prf. Engl. Boston College | See above | Women Writers and the Hero of Romance | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | Women Writers and the Hero of Romance | 2014 | No | Relevant Chapters: The Hero as Expert: Ayn Rand's Heroes of Choice | By women novelists. Romance conventions. Treatment of hero. Relationship to female imagination. | |
Judith Wilt | Prf. Engl. Boston College | See above | On Atlas Shrugged | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand | Pennsylvania State University Press 1999 | Ayn Rand and Feminism . Treatment of Love, sexual violence, relationship to cultural politics. | N / A | Teaches & Writes British & American Fiction, Pop. Culture, Women's Stud., Religion & Literature |
Name | Affliation | Contact | Title | Journal | Book | Date / Publisher | Disssertation Abstract | Subject Areas | Abstract | Notes |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | The Fountainhead from Notebook to Novel: The Compostion of AR's First Ideal Man | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JoARS) | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | N / A | Ph.D Comp. Lit. Stanford. Pub. Art. 19 th 20 th figures Fr. / Rus. / Eng. American Lit. Author Intro Toilers of Sea / Man Who Laughs / Seafarers. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Anthem in Manuscript: Finding the Words | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005 | No | Composition | N / A | Expertise Victorian/Edwardian novelists (George Eliot, E. L. Voynich, Victoria Cross) 19th-century Russian Fiction (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov) Ayn Rand (Life, Texts, Contexts) Classical Narrative Cinema (Hawks, Hitchcock) 19th-century French Fiction (Hugo) |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Anthem in the Context of Related Literary Works: 'We Are Not Like Our Brothers' | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005: Lexington. Lanham MD. | No | Treatment of Dystopia | N / A | Professional Activities Modern Language Association American Association, Teachers of Slavic/East European Languages Educational Testing Service Ayn Rand Institute and Archives Nevil Shute Norway Foundation Victorian/Edwardian novelists (George Eliot, E. L. Voynich, Victoria Cross) 19th-century Russian Fiction (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov) Ayn Rand (Life, Texts, Contexts) Classical Narrative Cinema (Hawks, Hitchcock) 19th-century French Fiction (Hugo) |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | We the Living and Victor Hugo: Ayn Rand's First Novel and the Novelist She Ranked First. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | Lexington Books. Lanham, MD. | No | Influence on Ayn Rand. 'We the Living.' 'Fountainhead.' | N / A | Education Ph.D. Stanford University B.A. Barnard College (Columbia University) B.H.L. Jewish Theological Seminary |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Recontextualizing Richard Wright's The Outsider: Hugo, Dostevsky, Max Eastman, and Ayn Rand. | N / A | Richard Wright in a Post-Racial Imaginary. | Bloomsbury 2014 | No | By African American Novelists. Treatment of Outsider Morality. Relationship to Race. Compared to Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 1957. | N / A | Research Interest Studying Ayn Rands Life Till 1957 |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected] T: (540) 231-8462 Address: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Nabokov's Switzerlands: Discovery, Recovery, and Ayn Rand's Atlantis. | Nabokov Studies (NSt) | N / A | 2014-2015; 13; 141-157 | No | Treatment of American Landscape. Relationship to Switzerland. Compared to Atlantis. In AR's Atlas Shrugged. | N / A | Additional Information Her main research focus has been nineteenth-century fiction—American, British, French, and Russian—with some attention to related twentieth-century writers. she also works with the Hebrew Bible, film, and non-fictional prose. In studying the responses of one writer to another, she has published on such subjects as Leo Tolstoy’s reading of George Eliot, George Eliot’s reading of Victor Hugo, Anton Chekhov’s reading of Herbert Spencer, Harold Pinter’s cinematic adaptation of a novel by John Fowles, and the impact of William James and Fyodor Dostoevsky on Ursula K. Le Guin. Some of my research is a kind of literary detection. She wrote the first scholarly articles about the mysterious “Victoria Cross” (whose dates—1868-1952—and actual name had never before been documented). Her long-term study of the life of Ayn Rand up to 1957 (i.e., from her birth in St. Petersburg, Russia, to the publication of her final novel, Atlas Shrugged) involves the examination of texts, the exploration of the relationships between texts, and archival detective work regarding the facts and principles of her public and private life. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: (540) 231-8462 Mail: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Three Inspirations for the Ideal Man: Cyrus Paltons; Enjolaras; and Cyrano de Bergerac. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Ideal Man. Howard Roark comapred to Cyrano de Bergerac et. al. | N / A | SHOSHAN MILGRAM-KNAPP holds a Ph.D in Comparitive Literature from Stanford University and is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Tech. She has published articles on a variety of nineteenth-and-twentieth-century figures in French, Russian, and English / American literature, including Napoleon Bonaparte, Victor Hugo, George Sand, Anton Checkov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoi, Victoria Cross, Goegre Eliot, John Fowles, W.S. Gilbert, Henry James, Ursula K. LeGuin, Vladimir Nabokov, Herbert Spencer, W.T. Stead, E.L. Voynich---and Ayn Rand. She is also the author of introductions to the editions of Toilers of the Sea and The Man Who Laughs, by Victor Hugo, and The Seafarers, by Nevil Shute. Her current project is a study of Ayn Rand's life up to 1957. |
Dr. Shoshana Milgram-Knapp | Associate Professor of English at Virginnia Tech | E-Mail: [email protected]. T: (540) 231-8462 Mail: 227 Shanks Hall 181 Turner St. NW Blacksburg, VA 24061 | Three Inspirations for the Ideal Man: Cyrus Paltons, Enjolras, and Cyrano de Bergerac | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Ph.D Comp. Lit. Stanford. Pub. Art. 19 th 20 th figures Fr. / Rus. / Eng. American Lit. Author Intro Toilers of Sea / Man Who Laughs / Seafarers. Studying AR's life till 1957. | ||
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Taught Philosophy of Education and Philosophy at California State University, Northridge | N / A | Howard Roark and Frank Lloyd Wright / The Fountainhead Review | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Film Fountainhead in Reviews | N / A | Michael S. Berliner holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston University. He taught philosophy and philosophy of education for 15 years at California State University Northridge, then was the executive director of the Ayn Rand Insistute for its first fifeteen years (1985-2000). His publications include Letters of Ayn Rand (Dutton, 1995) and newspaper editorials on Columbus Day, environmentalism and the Hollywood Ten. He was a research consultant for the documentary Ayn Rand a sense of life. |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Taught Philosophy of Education and Philosophy at California State University, Northridge | N / A | Reviews of Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. | 2005. Lexington. Lanham MD. | No | Treatment of Anthem in Book Review. | N / A | N / A |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Insistitute for 15 years | N / A | The Music of We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lexington. | No | Treatment of Music | N / A | N / A |
Dr. Michael S. Berliner | Wrote "Letters of Ayn Rand". Writes for Capitalism magazine | N / A | Reviews of We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lexington. Lanham, MD. | No | Treatment of 'We the Living' in Book Review. | N / A | N / A |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (Publishing Manager ARI) | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | B.A. History UMD. MA International Relations University of Southern California | RICHARD E. RALSTON received a B.A. in History from the University of Maryland after serving seven years in the U.S. Army. He then completed an M.A. in International Relations at the University of Southern California. He has been the Managing Director of the Ayn Rand Institute and Circulation Director and Publishing Director of the Christian Science Monitor. He is the editor of two books Communism: Its Rise and Fall in the 20th Centery and Why Businessmen Need Philosophy. He is presently the Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine. | |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | Lexington. Lanham MD. 2005 | No | N / A | N / A | |
Richard E. Ralston | Former Managing Director of ARI / Former Circulation Director and Publishing Director Christian Science Monitor / Presently Executive Director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine | E-mail: [email protected]. T: (949) 222-6550 Wxt. 237 | Publishing Anthem | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | Lexington. Lanham MD. 2005 | No | N / A | N / A | |
Richard E. Ralston | See Above | See Above | Publishing We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | Lexington. Lanham MD. 2004 | No | Publishing History | N / A | N / A |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting The Fountainhead Film | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Jeff Britting is one of the leading authorities on Ayn Rand’s life and cultural impact. A filmmaker whose work includes Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life, a 1997 Academy Award™ nominee for Best Documentary Feature, he is the author of the 2004 short biography Ayn Rand, the first biographical work based on unrestricted access to the Ayn Rand Papers (held at the Ayn Rand Archives). Mr. Britting is curator of the Ayn Rand Archives at ARI. | In 2013 Mr. Britting’s stage adaptation of Rand’s novel Anthem ran Off-Broadway in New York City at the Baryshnikov Art Center’s Jerome Robbins Theater. His stage, film and written works have been reviewed by The New York Times, The New Yorker, The New York Observer,High Performance, Drama-Logue, Los Angeles Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety, The Washington Post and the London Review of Books. He has been interviewed by the The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Casa Vogue, the San Francisco Examiner and has appeared on BBC, NPR, C-SPAN and numerous other radio programs nationally. | Author illustrated biography AR. Devlp. & Prod. AR: Sense of Life. Co Prod. Stage Prds. AR Ideal and Anthem. Mr. Britting specializes in Ayn Rand’s intellectual development and her cultural/esthetic impact. He has curated manuscript exhibits at the Los Angeles Public Library; Nabokov House in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Chapman University. Mr. Britting received a BA in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1982. |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Anthem and the Individualist Manifesto | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Lanham, MD. | Lexington books. Lanham MD 2005. | No | N / A | The Fountainhead (1943) | |
Jeff Briting | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting Anthem: Projects that Were and Might Have Been | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Lanham, MD. | Lexington books. Lanham MD 2005. | No | N / A | Anthem (1938 rev. 1946) | ||
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand | N / A | Ayn Rand | Overlook Duckworth. 2004. | No | N / A | Contents: Looking Out; Important Things; Freedom to Write; The Ideal; The Real; The Strike; A Philosophy for Living on Earth; In His Own Image. | |
Jeff Briting | Archivist AR Archives. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Adapting We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living. | 2004 Lexington Books. Lanham, MD. | No | N / A | Dramatic Adaptation. Film Adaptation. | |
Tore Boeckmann | Editor of AR's Art of Fiction. Writer in Buffalo, NY | E-Mail: [email protected] Facebook Instant Messager: @toreboeckmann | The Fountainhead as a Romantic Novel / What Might Be and Ought to Be: Aristotle's Poetics and The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Tore Boeckmann: Writer Short Stories. Published Several Languages. Ed. Art of Fiction. Lectured AR's Esthetics America & Europe. Tore Boeckmann’s mystery short stories have been published and anthologized in several languages. He is the editor of Ayn Rand’s The Art of Fiction and has lectured on literary esthetics and current affairs in Europe and America. His recent publications include “The Fountainhead as a Romantic Novel” and “What Might Be and Ought to Be: Aristotle’s Poetics and The Fountainhead” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, as well as “Anthem as a Psychological Fantasy” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s Anthem (both collections edited by Robert Mayhew). | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | Understanding the "Rape" Scene in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | Website: www.andrewbernstein.net. | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | E-Mail: [email protected] | Ayn Rand for Beginers | N / A | Ayn Rand for Beginers | 2009 | No | N / A | BIO: | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Anthem and Collectivist Regression Into Primitivism | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005. Lexington Books. Lanham MD. | No | N / A | Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He has taught Philosophy at the State University of New York at Purchase, Marist College, Hunter College, the State University of New York at New Paltz, and other New York-area universities. He was selected as “Teacher of the Year” at both SUNY Purchase—and at Marymount College. In 2016-17, he was a Visiting Professor at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG), where he taught Business Ethics. | |
Andrew Bernstein | PhD. Philosophy C.U.N.Y. Taught at Pace U and S.U.N.Y. Purchase | Mailing: The Ayn Rand Institute, 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406, Marina del Rey, California 90292 E-Mail: [email protected] | Cliff Notes Fountainhead | N / A | Hungry Minds. 2000. | N / A | Andrew Bernstein is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto: The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (University Press of America, 2005), Objectivism in One Lesson: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (Hamilton Books, 2008), Capitalism Unbound: The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (University Press of America, 2010), and Capitalist Solutions: A Philosophy of American Moral Dilemmas (Transaction Publishers, 2011). Additionally, he has published numerous essays, many in The Objective Standard, for which he is a contributing editor, and many in other publications, including op-ed essays for Forbes.com. His op-eds have appeared in—among other newspapers— the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Times, and the Detroit Free Press. In 2013-14, he was the Hayek Research Fellow at the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism at Clemson University, where he taught courses in Economics and in Political Science and, principally, researched and wrote the first draft of his forthcoming book, Heroes and Hero Worship: An Examination of the Nature and Importance of Heroism. | |||
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | Mail: Seton Hall University. Department of Philodophy South Orange, NJ 07079 Fahy Hall Room 311. T: (973) 761-9000 X5188. E-Mails: [email protected]. [email protected] | Humor in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Author Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic, the Female in Aristotle's Biology, & AR Song of Russia. Translator play Aristophanes (Assembly of Women). Ed. AR's Marginalia, Art Nonfiction, AR Answers. Ph.D Georgetown University. M.A. Georgetown university. B.A. University of Maryland. | ROBERT MAYHEW is a Professor of Philosophy at Seton Hall University. He is the author of Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic, The Female in Aristotle's Biology, and Ayn Rand and Song of Russia. He has translated a play of Aristophanes (Assembly of Women), and edited three volumes of unpublished material on Ayn Rand: Ayn Rand's Marginalia, The Art of Nonfiction, and Ayn Rand Answers. | |
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | N / A | Anthem '38 & 46' | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem | 2005 | No | N / A | Textual Revision and Publishing History | |
Robert Mayhew | Prof. Philo. Seton Hall. | N / A | Kira Argnouva Laughed: Humor and Joy in We the Living | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living | 2004. Lanham. Lexington Books. | No | N / A | Humor. Relationship to U.S.S.R. | |
John B. Bayer | M.A. Philo U Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ABD PhD U Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Teacher Philo U Illinois. Specilist Epistemology. | Livrs in Burbank California | The Fountainhead and the Spirit of Youth | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | N / A | JOHN BAYER holds an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is completinig his Ph.D. dissertation and has taught Philosophy. He specializes in epistemology. | |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. Senior fellow and chief content officer at the Ayn Rand Insistute. | E-Mail: [email protected] | The Basic Motivation of the Creators and the Masses in The Fountainhead | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Goodness; evil | N / A | ONKAR GHATE holds a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Calagry. He is a Senior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute where he specializes in Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism and teaches Philosophy in the institute's Objectivist Academic Center. Recent publications include "Postmodernism's Kantian Roots," (coauthored with Dr. Edwin Locke) "Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism," and an entry on Ayn Rand in the Encyclopeida of Science, Technology, and Ethics |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. | E-Mail: [email protected] | Breaking the Metaphysical Chains of Dictatorship: Free Will and Determinism in Anthem. | N / A | Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD) | 2007 | No | Treatment of Free Will; determinism; collectivism | Specilist AR's philosophy of Objectivism. Recent Publications: "Post Modernism's Kantanian Roots, Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism." Wrote encyclopedia entry on AR in Encylo. Of Science, Tch, Ethics. | |
Onkar Ghate | PhD. Philosophy University of Calagry. Senior Fellow ARI. Teacher Philopsophy Inst. Object. Academic Cntr. | E-Mail: [email protected] | The Death Premise in We the Living and Atlas Shrugged | N / A | 2004. Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books. | 2004 | Yes | Treatment of Collectivism. Idealogy. Of Death. | N / A | Specilist AR's philosophy of Objectivism. Recent Publications: "Post Modernism's Kantanian Roots, Objectivism: The Proper Alternative to Postmodernism." Wrote encyclopedia entry on AR in Encylo. Of Science, Tch, Ethics. |
(“Tiddly Wink” Music That Ayn Rand Liked)